Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

revierte facilmente

English translation:

easily revert to

Added to glossary by Sergio Gaymer
Apr 25, 2008 12:43
16 yrs ago
Spanish term

revierte facilmente

Spanish to English Other Agriculture poultry disease
more from the same text from Spain, this is part of a report from a centre that analysed the strain of the disease. I don't really understand the meaning of only 5 steps being necessary according to the manufacturer if this is a BAD thing! Can anyone explain? Here's the context and TIA!
*Revierte fácilmente* a Salmonella gallinarum patógena (5 pases sobre pollo-ponedora son suficientes, según la información del fabricante).
Change log

Apr 26, 2008 14:51: Sergio Gaymer Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

38 mins

easily revert to

Peer comment(s):

agree Egmont
1 hr
gracias AVRVM
agree liz askew : revertir a = to return to/revert to.
2 hrs
thaks a lot Liz, have a nice weekend
neutral neilmac : "revert" is an intransitive verb in English
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "yes, I think if in doubt, go literal! Thank you Sergio! ;-)"
43 mins

easily reverses growth

or easily reduces

I noted you are mistaking pases for pasos. Pases in this context possibly refers to drug applications or dosage.
Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac : Yes. "pases" refers to the number of times the stuff is applied. Used in agriculture for fertiliser, weedkiller, antibiotics, etc.
2 hrs
10x, neilmac!
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3 hrs

easily becomes

I hope this helps :)
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4 hrs

easily controls

Talking about antibiotics and pathogens, the general term commonly used is control:
revertir.(Del lat. reverti, volverse).1. intr. Dicho de una cosa: Volver al estado o condición que tuvo antes.

Note added at 4 hrs (2008-04-25 17:06:44 GMT)

" important effort to control Salmonella in poultry products ..."
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