Jul 23, 2002 17:28
22 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting art criticism
Not enough hits for exterioris{z}able to convince me, although if anybody tells me it is a normal word in post-modern jargon, that's ok. Plenty of exteriorized out there, so I suppose it is possible.

Previous sentence entered for context (this is real stream of consciousness stuff though)

Tenemos que saber deslindar cuál es la materia real de la pintura. ¿Es, en el caso de Fulano, el óleo la materia?, ¿Óleo sobre lona plástica, lienzo o lino, sobre un diferenciado soporte?, ¿Es lo que podrá hacer visible a la pintura, y, anteriormente, lo que la hace exteriorizable, mirable

Proposed translations

2 hrs

See suggestion below:

I think the more commonly used term in art is "externalize" (rather than exteriorize). You will see in many dictionaries that these terms are synonymous, although "externalize" definitely has more established use.

Here is my suggestion (with a little literary license) for the sentence:

Is it what allows the viewer to see the painting, and even before that, externalize it and visualize it?
Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : mirable: capable of being gaze at: the gaze, a postmodern concept....
27 mins
Thanks Jane - definitely a difficult set of adjectives to translate!
agree Сергей Лузан : "externalize" is a nice word. I´ll submit it to my post'modernistic friends in Russia to enrich their vocabulary.
2 hrs
Thanks Sergey! I just realized I have been spelling your name wrong all this time...
agree Paul Mably (X)
3 hrs
Thanks Paul!
agree Tania Marques-Cardoso : Agreeing with 'externalize', I must say that the subject of the sentence cannot be 'the viewer' - it is that 'it' at the beginning.
5 hrs
Thanks Tânia! I agree that the subject is "it". Here I am making "the viewer" the object. In this phrase "Es lo que podrá hacer visible a la pintura", the "it" is making the painting visible to someone. I chose to put "the viewer" to make it readable.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. This will do. "
2 mins

manifestable, revealing,

capable of being seen, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Leonardo Parachú
1 min
thank you Leonardo
agree Oso (X) : ¶:^)
5 mins
gracias Oso!
agree Сергей Лузан
7 mins
agree Thierry LOTTE : agree tambien pero ¡Que jerga !
16 mins
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1 hr

Is it what will make the painting visible, or before that,

what makes it an object that can be exteriorized and gazed at?

Note added at 2002-07-23 19:40:08 (GMT)

Hi MJ Barber,
You know all you have to do is read magazines like ART IN AMERICA, or any of the art criticism magazine or critics and the texts are often like this. This is the language these people use and it is rather specialized and may seem moronic to those who are not interested or not in the art arena but that\'s the way it goes. It\'s a specific discourse that now has become fused with other disciplines including post-modernist ideas. What can I say? Personally, I find it rather fun to put it into English without caving into completely non-sensical aporias. Whoops, there I go.


Note added at 2002-07-23 21:42:14 (GMT)

the way I see it, a person externalizes something and the object exteriorizes...whatever is done to the object is what exteriorizes it...
Peer comment(s):

agree MikeGarcia
2 hrs
thanx Miguel
agree Сергей Лузан
2 hrs
Thanx, what's your name in the Latin alphabet?
agree Tania Marques-Cardoso
6 hrs
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3 hrs

... what makes it get through to the viewer

just a thought
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4 hrs

expressable outwardly/ showable

as well. Hope it helps in understanding, at least.
Good luck, MJ Barber!
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4 hrs

Expressible | displayable | broachable

Alguna podría ser.

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10 hrs

... and even prior to that, which brings it into the world as something we can look at.

"It is what will enable the painting to be visible, and even prior to that, which brings it into the world as something we can look at."

Having made this suggestion, I must confess that I find the whole Spanish sentence puzzling. What is the difference in meaning between "visible", "externalizable" and "viewable" for the author of this text?

Nevertheless, and even though not all texts are inherently sensible, I do hope you find a way of translating this into presentable English.
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