Feb 19, 2011 02:58
14 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) analisis bursatil
El panorama 2011 para los bonos mexicanos es incierto. Por el lado constructivo, la TRM seguirá anclada y los flujos de inversión de carry trade se mantendrán....
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 secured
4 +1 anchored/steady

Proposed translations

56 mins


the meaning of course comes from anchored, of maintaining in place with safety
Example sentence:

...TRM shall continue secured and...

Peer comment(s):

agree eski
2 hrs
agree Edward Tully
5 hrs
neutral Bill Harrison (X) : How can the TRM be secured??
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "muchas gracias"
15 hrs


.. shall remain anchored/steady

Asi va la economia americana
10 Oct 2006 ... Third, the Federal Reserve has returned short-term interest rates only to ....This result reinforces the need today to keep inflation expectations well anchored. ... Esto refuerza la NECESIDAD de mantener ancladas las expectativas de ... (En todo caso, ya sabéis que yo creo que el crudo seguirá ...

MONEY MARKETS-Short-term U.S. rates anchored near zero - Yahoo! UK ...
- [ Traducir esta página ]
2 Feb 2011 ... MONEY MARKETS-Short-term U.S. rates anchored near zero.
uk.finance.yahoo.com/.../MONEY-MARKETS-Short-term-U-S-targetukfocus-2400370560.html?... - Reino Unido -

XE.com - MONEY MARKETS-Short-term U.S. rates anchored near zero
- [ Traducir esta página ]
2 Feb 2011 ... Short-term U.S. rates remained just above zero on Wednesday, anchored by the Federal Reserve's intent to hold short rates near zero for an ...
www.xe.com/news/2011-02...18:00.../1677637.htm?c... -

Economics - Price anchoring
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22 Jun 2008 ... There is a really good article on price anchoring and the iPhone in the Washington Post today. .
tutor2u.net/blog/index.php/.../price-anchoring/ -

Asi va la economia americana
10 Oct 2006 ... Third, the Federal Reserve has returned short-term interest rates only to ....This result reinforces the need today to keep inflation expectations well anchored. ... Esto refuerza la NECESIDAD de mantener ancladas las expectativas de ... (En todo caso, ya sabéis que yo creo que el crudo seguirá ...

1. Trichet: anchoring inflation is essential for financial stability
23 Ene 2008 ... The ECB President, along with Slovenian Finance Minister Andrej Bajuk and Alexandre ... so inflationary expectations remain anchored. ...


Además, no hay que olvidar que la tasa de paro está anclada en el 20% y que es necesario algo más que la recuperación de la actividad para reducirla y acercarla a los estándares europeos, como son las reformas profundas.

Additionally, it should not be forgotten that the unemployment rate is holding steady at 20% and further recovery in business activity and in-depth reforms are necessary to reduce this rate and bring it closer to European standards.
Quarterly GDP growth for the major e

Peer comment(s):

agree Yvonne Gallagher : holding steady
4 hrs
Thanks, gallagy 2!
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