May 28, 2013 18:37
11 yrs ago
Spanish term

Este cuaderno lo ando escondido

Spanish to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Difficult without context, I know, but does anyone have any idea what the speaker means by "este cuaderno lo ando escondido"? I can't really give any context as this has nothing to do with the interview as a whole. When I say interview, I mean interview as part of an investigation.

It's a transcript from an interview and the interviewee is talking about sending some documents to the interviewer/investigator by e-mail if he wishes.

Interviewee: Esto lo voy a adjuntar, verdad? Mire, este cuaderno lo ando escondido. Hay un lápiz, y aquí, entonces, usted quiere...

Interviewer: Las copias de las facturas donde X firmaba.

Interviewee: Bueno, que son todas.

Interviewer: Sí, dame de, una por cada transportista.
Proposed translations (English)
4 I have it on me


lorenab23 May 29, 2013:
Agree with Julie lo ando escondido = lo tengo conmigo escondido...I have it on me
Julie Thurston May 28, 2013:
I don't think she miss heard, she means she's got it with her, hidden, carrying it with her. Here they say "ando plata"
Cristina Gonzalez May 28, 2013:
Wendy might be makes sense that "han escondido" has been misheard as "ando escondido". They could be saying that they can't send copies of the notebook because X has hidden it.
Peter Riccomini May 28, 2013:
Or could be 'lo ando escondiendo'
Wendy Streitparth May 28, 2013:
Could it have been "lo han escondido"?
Cristina Gonzalez May 28, 2013:
It might make sense, if they have information they are giving the authorities, then they might be keeping the notebook hidden...
CateA (X) (asker) May 28, 2013:
There are certainly quite a few transcription errors, where the transcriber has misheard what the speaker said. So it's certainly feasible that what is written is not exactly what was said... However, I still don't understand what she's saying about this cuaderno/notebook even it it were tengo. What would that mean?
Cristina Gonzalez May 28, 2013:
I'm guessing they mean: "lo tengo escondido"...does it make more sense that way?

Proposed translations

15 hrs

I have it on me

I have it on me
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much everyone!"
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