Dec 28, 2012 05:55
11 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

Afectacion actual

Spanish to English Other Government / Politics Spanish Social Security Form
I am translating a form from the Spanish Social Security Administration and there is a box with a heading "Afectacion actual." I can't find my accent marks at the moment, sorry.

Could this mean: "Current situation?" I have looked at all of the meanings for this "afectacion" in Spanish and English and am not coming up with a translation that I am sure of. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


bigedsenior Dec 29, 2012:
I think it has something to do with the amount of benefit that would be received by the employee retiring at the minimum age.
Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes Dec 28, 2012:
Very? likely. That's what I thought myself why I asked for more context.
lorenab23 Dec 28, 2012:
Could they be talking about a present (medical) condition?
Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes Dec 28, 2012:
More context needed Could you give us more context? What is the document about?
franglish Dec 28, 2012:
@Stephanie What comes below this heading? It could well mean allocation in the sense of attribution.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

Current situation

"Afectación actual" suena fatal en español...

Encontré esto, como dices, creo que podría traducirse por "Current situation", si es que el caso es el mismo.


Varón de 44 años que acude al reconocimiento para valoración de secuelas.

Expediente iniciado instancias de la Mutua.

El paciente sufre dolor intenso lumbar secundario a accidente de trabajo (21-07-04) mientras realizaba un sobreesfuerzo acompañado de postura inadecuada.

En el momento actual, el paciente manifiesta dolor en región lumbar que se intensifica en la sedestación o bipedestación mantenida, irradiado a región posterior de muslo derecho
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

Current condition

"Afectacion" usually refers to a medical condition, in this case a back injury sustained in the workplace, and the claim is for medical insurance. While reluctant to disagree with "situation", I wouldn't use it myself, since I perceive it as slightly more general.
In usage terms,"medical condition" gets" 27,100,000 Google hits.

Note added at 12 hrs (2012-12-28 17:58:46 GMT)

I get 678,000 results for "medical situation". You choose.

Note added at 1 day7 hrs (2012-12-29 13:03:42 GMT)

I disagree that it's about "entitlement", as I believe it refers specifically to the medical status.
Stephanie: For examples of the use of "afectación"in a medical context, try googling things like "afectación crónica" or "afectación degenerativa", or indeed "afectación lumbar", like the patient in question.�n dege...
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3 days 17 hrs

Current Affectation

Affectation is a legal term.
It means that over a possession, good, contract, property or the like there exists a legal imposition, be it a prohibition or a limitation.
It would have been nice to see the whole paragraph.

Note added at 3 days17 hrs (2012-12-31 23:14:22 GMT)

Thinking it over, it might have been misspelled. It could have been Afección actual, which would mean "current condition". It happens a lot in government forms in latin américa.
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Reference comments

50 mins


I think it migh be something like "current patrimony"
Note from asker:
I think you may be on to something because this is a letter about social security benefits so "entitlement" would be appropriate. Thank you!
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