Aug 5, 2010 17:54
14 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Social Sciences International Org/Dev/Coop Comunidad de Paz
En estas búsquedas participativas lo que interesa es la representación, el liderazgo de la comunidad, es un compromiso que no puede traer ni privilegios, ni gamonalismos, evitando errores que muchas veces en comunidades y organizaciones se cometieron.

Talking about the election process in a self-sufficient "Community of Peace" in Colombia.

gamonalismo > caciquismo >
RAE: caciquismo.1. m. Dominación o influencia del cacique de un pueblo o comarca.2. m. Intromisión abusiva de una persona o una autoridad en determinados asuntos, valiéndose de su poder o influencia.

I can't think of what we call this in English, though it's in there somewhere.
Thanks in advance.

Proposed translations

8 mins


Britannica online encyclopedia article on gamonalismo (South American social issue), a term meaning “bossism,” used in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia.

caciquism might be an alternative (at least, in the US, it's an English word)
Main Entry: ca·ciqu·ism Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: -kizm
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Spanish caciquismo, from cacique + -ismo -ism
: domination by caciques <economic and administrative caciquism -- C.A.Buss>

Peer comment(s):

agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
23 mins
thanks, Muriel!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I went for caciquism. Thanks very much everybody - much appreciated."
23 mins
Spanish term (edited): no puede traer ni privilegios, ni gamonalismos,

In the process nobody should be allowed to enjoy any privileges or arbitrary power

Since "gamonalismo" as such has no translation, you should use a circumlocution.
I think the EN term for "gamonal" is "ward heeler", but few people would understand it nowadays. It's somewhat old-fashioned.

Note added at 27 minutes (2010-08-05 18:21:45 GMT)

On second thought I would insert an additional verb:
should be allowed to enjoy any privileges or EXERCISE arbitrary power
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54 mins

patronage/ political machine/spoils system

This might be another option:

Encyclopædia Britannica defines "political machine" as, "in U.S. politics, a party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state
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