Jun 8, 2011 10:02
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

perdía muchas materias

Spanish to English Social Sciences International Org/Dev/Coop Commercial Sexual Exploit
Sentence: Mi papa tiene un genio muy bravo, perdía muchas materias y cuando me va iba a regañar me decía muchas groserías y varias veces me pegó hasta con cosas por la cara.

I'm not sure whether this refers to the father losing things because of his temper or breaking the child's things. Also, the father is a construction worker so it could be that he's lost construction materials, maybe because of his temper. Here's what I have:

"My father is very hot tempered, I lost a lot of things and when I went away he would argue, swear at me and sometimes even hit me in the face with things."


FVS (X) Jun 8, 2011:
Yes, I think Jenni must be right... on that.
Jenni Lukac (X) Jun 8, 2011:
You're correct, Adolfo. When I talked about the father losing his temper I was referring to "me va iba a regañar" - "he bawled me out", for example, He RAKED me over the coals. He bawled me out. ...
www.youheardthatright.com/R.htm - En caché
Adolfo Ossi Jun 8, 2011:
Both the context and the expression used indicate this is about failing subjects at school, not about losing one's temper or losing physical objects. The speaker failed subjects and the father got mad. "Perder una materia" is a very common, everyday expression for failing a subject or a final exam at school in many Spanish speaking countries, like mine (Uruguay) for instance.
Jenni Lukac (X) Jun 8, 2011:
No. She failed subjects at school and then her father lost his temper, sometimes resorting to violence. Sometimes it would be nice to have the subject specifically stated in Spanish sentences...
FVS (X) Jun 8, 2011:
Surely we are talking about her papa, no?? .
Louise Etheridge (asker) Jun 8, 2011:
Thanks everyone for your comments, they're very helpful...

Proposed translations

17 mins

(she) failed a lot of subjects (at school)

Perder una materia 4 veces. En el 2009, el Consejo Académico de la ... Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: write failed: No space ...
www.ucaldas.edu.co/index.php?...perder...materia... - En caché; What's your favorite subject? (¿Cuál es tu materia preferida (en general)?) ...
www.taringa.net/.../Mejora-tu-Ingles-errores-comunes-de-los... - En caché;
Peer comment(s):

agree James A. Walsh : A tricky one, but I reckon it has to be this. Perhaps 'I was failing many subjects' [back then]?
2 hrs
Thanks, James. Adding a time element might help here.
agree eski : Concur: Saludos :)) eski
5 hrs
Many thanks!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
13 mins

he lost temper many times


Note added at 16 mins (2011-06-08 10:18:07 GMT)

"he lost temper many matters" can be possible as well.

Note added at 17 mins (2011-06-08 10:19:31 GMT)

"he lost temper on many matters" better option
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24 mins

I lost a lot of (his) materials

Hi Louise, the sentence could go either way and as there are some errors in the original it is probably best checking who the “perdía”, refers to with your client but based on the context you have provided, I would agree that it should be “I” rather than “he” as it explains why he would get annoyed with the child.

I would suggest the sentence should read: “Mi papa tiene un genio muy bravo, perdía muchas materias y cuando me iba a regañar me decía muchas groserías y varias veces me pegó hasta con cosas por la cara.”

“me va iba” is incorrect, which is why I would suggest double-checking with the client as to your query in case other words have been missed from or incorrectly added to the sentence.

Rather than “and when I went away he would argue”, I would suggest something along the lines of “whenever he told me off/gave me a row”

I hope that is of some help to you.

Good luck,

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28 mins

I used to fail many subjects

"perder una materia" is a common expression for failing a subject at school or college.
I believe the problem here is that the person failing the subjects is the speaker, not the father (i.e. yo perdía y por eso él me regañaba), therefore the confusion.
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5 hrs

I used to come home (from school) with poor grades

From the perspective of the youngster, this might be a natural way to phrase it.
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