Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

abstención en las licitaciones

English translation:

abstention from bidding

Added to glossary by Victoria Porter-Burns
May 5, 2008 12:16
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

abstención en las licitaciones

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) tender document
The following is one of the stipulations in a Mexican tender document:
"Es obligación de los Participantes no realizar la práctica monopólica absoluta descrita en el artículo 9o. fracción IV de la Ley Federal de Competencia Económica, la cual consiste en “establecer, concertar o coordinar posturas o la abstención en las licitaciones, concursos o almonedas públicas.""

It's the explanation at the end of the sentence that I'm having trouble with. How can someone be said to be practising absolute monopoly at the same time as "abstención en las licitaciones", or am I reading it incorrectly?
Any light-shedding would be very much appreciated.




Victoria Porter-Burns (asker) May 6, 2008:
OK, thanks Niki. In English 'to abstain from doing something' is to choose not to do it, so it's not something you can inflict on anyone else. Must be a specific legal meaning in this case. Thanks.
Nelida Kreer May 6, 2008:
Vicky: I thought I explained my opinion on this issue in the rationale of my answer. The monopolic practice would imply to make somebody ELSE, any other third party, refrain or abstain from submitting a bid.
Victoria Porter-Burns (asker) May 6, 2008:
To Remy and all who agree.. Thanks for the contributions - I thought it was this, but, as I said, I don't see how someone can be practising absolute monopoly AND abstain from bidding - if they were to abstain from bidding this tender document and all the associated paperwork and processes would be nothing to do with them, would it? Can anyone enlighten me please? Many thanks in advance!

Proposed translations

37 mins

abstain from bidding

según contexto
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agree Egmont
5 hrs
mucha gracias Angel
agree jude dabo : yes sir
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muchas gracias Jude69
agree Patricia Silva
6 hrs
Muchas gracias Patri
agree LiaBarros
7 hrs
muchas gracias Lía
agree Cecilia Della Croce
1 day 24 mins
muchas gracias Cecilia
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all who contributed."
4 hrs

[determine, enter into agreements or coordinate positions] or abstentions in tenders...

I believe that the text intends to say that the monopolic practices include not only to manipulate the submissions of bids, but also dictate that some parties should refrain, or abstain, from bidding.
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