Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
garantía = warranty, guaranty, guarantee, security (?)
English translation:
Spanish term
garantía = warranty, guaranty, guarantee, security (?)
A couple of examples from a contract between an energy company, a sales broker, and a company which handles payments ("X" below):
X podrá proceder a la ejecución de las garantías constituidas por el Sujeto Representado que hubiera incurrido en mora...
Las garantías únicamente podrán constituirse por los Sujetos Representados en efectivo o mediante aval bancario a primer requerimiento. Las garantía se constituirán, en todo caso, a favor de X.
Thanks in advance!
4 +6 | Guarantee | Michael McCann |
Non-PRO (1): Rosa Paredes
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Proposed translations
1. Normally on a physical product, and is a written guarantee.
2. In insurance, again in writing, a statement which if breached will invalidate a policy.
Guarantee /guaranty
3. A formal assurance of something, normally in writing, but could be verbal. Both words variants of each other. Also used as a synonym for warranty.
4. The item pledged or given as a guarantee, e.g. a share certificate as a guarantee for the loan given.
agree |
Fabian Deckwirth
5 mins
agree |
: Good explanation!
19 mins
agree |
James A. Walsh
: Agree, nice definitons.
22 mins
agree |
Leonardo Lamarche
: agree.
2 hrs
agree |
5 hrs
agree |
Chris Lancaster
1 day 5 hrs