Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
practicar embargo a favor de
English translation:
an attachment ( ) was secured
Spanish term
(practicar embargo) a favor de
(en el procedimiento XXX) se practicó embargo a favor del Ayuntamiento sobre la finca de su propiedad...
"Su" here refers to the person to whom the notice is addressed.
I have: se practicó embargo > the property (...) was attached, but I'm not quite sure what to do with the "a favor de" in this context.
Jul 10, 2007 14:10: Henry Hinds Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
an attachment ( ) was secured
(the property was attached) in the name of (in the account of)
Note added at 5 mins (2007-07-09 13:18:50 GMT)
Daily News , (Kingston ), July 5, 1864The property was attached in the name of the Federal Government, and the enterprising owners (previous to the seizure) will undergo examination before the ... - 7k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Note added at 7 mins (2007-07-09 13:20:47 GMT)
attached TO the account of -
FindLaw for Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal and State ...... of court approving the account referred to in finding 2, stating that it was attached to the account of claimant now on file in the court of claims. ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
said property was seized by....
embargo- m. Retención de bienes por mandamiento administrativo o judicial, en espera de juicio.
Prohibición del comercio y transporte de determinadas mercancías, especialmente de armas, decretada por un Gobierno:
embargo económico.
levy execution in favour of
There is no reason why execution or distress (for rent only) cannot be levied - by the Court bailiffs or sheriffs - over the land in the Town Hall's favo(u)r.
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-07-09 15:42:03 GMT)
Execution over the land was levied - or execution was levied over - the land in favour of...
Note added at 9 hrs (2007-07-09 22:16:07 GMT)
A charging order is usually made in relation to the defendant's house or any land they might own. It can be useful where the defendant owns some substantial ...
... mortgage, attachment, levy, seizure, distress or execution *in favour* or at the instance of any person other than e-dbendaagzid or a First Nation. ...
Thanks for your answer, Tom. Would you word it as follows: "Execution on the property was levied in favour of..." |
disagree |
: An embargo is akin to a charging order over property: see
4 hrs
Not so. You are referring to a charging order - like an Eng. & Wales Law Soc. *statutory charge* for legal aid - made in the Town Hall's favour: but it's still in favour of. //Embargo implies a trade ban. The use of it, as in the website, is misleading.
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