Jul 19, 2007 14:01
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

recurso de interpretacion

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) appeal
does any one know how to translate this? Is this a specific type of appeal or just an appeal requesting interpretation of a law (from the doc, this would appear to be the case, but want to make sure I am not missing anything.)
"Senalo que la parte actora tenia a su disposicion otros medios judiciales distintos al ejercicio del recurso de interpretacion, a traves de los cuales pudo hacer valer su pretension..."


Liza Tripp (asker) Jul 26, 2007:
i know.... it was actually quite a difficult document and our glossary was changing rapidly throughout it. By the time we had decided on it not being an appeal at all, the discussion regarding the term had pretty much ended. Sorry for the inconvenience
AllegroTrans Jul 26, 2007:
OK but in your subject header to this question you said it was an appeal, so no doubt this influenced many of the answers!
Liza Tripp (asker) Jul 26, 2007:
"Request for Interpretation" Hi - this is what we (it was a team project) ultimately went with. It was not an appeal at all...

Proposed translations

14 mins

interpretation appeal

My suggestion.
Something went wrong...
21 mins

remedy of construction

[PDF] This presentation is protected by US and International Copyright ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Promotes quick remedy of construction defect problems. • Avoids al egation of problems that were never reported. Page 11. 10. Best Practices ...
www.aia.org/SiteObjects/files/convention_ces/TH3307.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

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regard to determining who was responsible for remedy of construction issues between the. construction contractor and window manufacturer. ...
www.renoairport.com/ftpimages/anap/minutes/Minutes2006Q3.pd... - Similar pages - Note this

FVLD - The Tenant's Side of an Office LeaseAny remedy of construction defects. This article originally appeared in Heartland Real Estate Business, September 2004. ©2004 France Publications, Inc., ...
www.fvldlaw.com/articles/2004-09 Heartlant Real Estate Busi... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

FVLD February 2004 NewsletterAny remedy of construction defects. The landlord and tenant should agree on the CAM costs for which the tenant will be responsible (see CAM Exclusions). ...
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Failure Mechanisms in Building Construction - Google Books Resultby David Harlan Nicastro - 1997 - Technology
DAVID H. NICASTRO, PE, founder and president of Engineering Diagnostics, Inc., in Houston, specializes in the investigation and remedy of construction ...
books.google.com/books?isbn=0784402833... - Note this

Mike :)

Note added at 27 mins (2007-07-19 14:29:14 GMT)

Of course, as you stated, "recurso" can be an appeal; however, it is also quite often "remedy, legal remedy, equitable remedy, application, action, ..."

Also, "interpretación" is "construction" in the following case pursuant to Alcaraz Varó y Hughes:

"construction2 n: interpretación judicial, interpretación por deducción ... Se llama construction al proceso mediante el cual los tribunales interpretan el alcance y profundida de la palabras y de las oraciones en los contratos y en las leyes, de acuerdo con las nsormas de interpretación (canon of construction); de esta forma se habla de "construction of will, construction of the terms, etc."

Aquí, si no me euivoco, tiene que ver con "construction of will" ya que sigue "pretensión"
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6 hrs

declaratory proceedings

These are civil proceedings used where a party requires a declaration or interpretation by the Court, rather than relief such as recovery of money, goods, etc.
Official declarations * Official declarations * CIZBOZ.INFO
Declaration of independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... NOTE (OFFICIAL SOLICITOR: DECLARATORY PROCEEDINGS: MEDICAL AND WELFARE DECISIONS ...www.cizboz.info/Official-declarations.htm -
Seeking Declaratory Relief - a Cautionary Tale for Taxpayers
"Before commencing declaratory proceedings to resolve a tax issue, taxpayers ... ATO relationship if the ATO opposes declaratory proceedings," says Mr Bersten. ...pwcglobal.com/extweb/manissue.nsf/docid/64B13F0CCA39F5DBCA25703C001... - 49k - Cached
Declaratory. proceedings shall not be used to grant an. advisory opinion. Declaratory proceedings. shall not be used as a substitute for seeking ...www.co.deschutes.or.us/dccode/title22/pdf files/chapter 22.40.pdf - 12k - View as html
Managing Intellectual Property
... competent to determine in declaratory proceedings whether a certain technical ... decide patent issues in declaratory proceedings and it was thereby made ...www.managingip.com/?Page=17&ISS=12700&SID=473148 - 39k - Cached
Lingle v. Hawai'i Government Employees Association
HAWAI I GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, AFSCME, Local 152, AFL-CIO; ... to intervene in the declaratory proceedings, alleging, inter alia, that UPW's ...www.hawaii.gov/jud/opinions/sct/2005/24237.htm - 42k - Cached
Transport Insurer of 'X' v. Freight Forwarder 'Y'
... admissible because K had already initiated declaratory proceedings in Rotterdam. ... was not prevented by the declaratory proceedings initiated by K in the ...onlinedmc.co.uk/transport_insurer_of_'x'_v__freight_forwarder_'y'.htm - 12k - Cached
This Subchapter establishes basic minimum procedures for the adoption, amendment, ... may give notice of the declaratory proceedings to any person it deems ...ncrules.state.nc.us/ncac/.../subchapter k/subchapter k rules.html - 30k - Cached
Microsoft Word - Document18 (PDF)
Declaratory proceedings shall not be used to ... Declaratory proceedings shall not be used as a substitute for seeking an amendment ...ci.bend.or.us/depts/.../planning_division/docs/Proc_Section_13.pdf - 66k - View as html
1981 Model State Administrative Procedure Act
(1) "Agency" means a board, commission, department, officer, or other ... (4) Section 2-103 pertaining to declaratory proceedings. ...www.nmcpr.state.nm.us/acr/presentations/1981MSAPA.htm - 364k - Cached
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North Dakota state-court declaratory proceedings when there are disputed ... as d efend ants in declaratory proceedings, are entitled to recover attorney ...www.ndd.uscourts.gov/dndopinions/html/1-05-cv-10-60.pdf -
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