Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

gestion que en este caso no ha existido

English translation:

No such request was made in this case.

Added to glossary by lbotto
Apr 10, 2011 02:08
13 yrs ago
Spanish term

gestion que en este caso no ha existido

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Human Rights and Governme
Cabe traer a colacion el articulo 30 inciso 4 del reglamento de la CIDH, que al disponer en el tramite de admisibilidad advierte que "En caso de gravedad o urgencia o cuando se considere que la vida de una persona o su integridad personal se encuentre en peligro real o inminente, la Comisión solicitará al Estado su más pronta respuesta, a cuyo efecto utilizará los medios que considere más expeditos", gestion que en este caso no ha existido.
Change log

Apr 10, 2011 02:08: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Proposed translations

22 hrs

No such request was made in this case.

Art. 30, para 4 states, in the official English version ( ):

4. In serious and urgent cases, or when it is believed that the life or personal integrity of a person is in real and imminent danger, the Commission shall request the promptest reply from the State, using for this purpose the means it considers most expeditious.

In plain English, it would be appropriate to begin a new sentence, thus:

" ... (quote of Art. 30, para 4).... the Commission shall request the promptest reply from the State, using for this purpose the means it considers most expeditious.". No such request was made in this case.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
19 mins

which does not apply in this case

I would say ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jennifer Levey : It most certainly does 'apply', but it wasn't carried out.
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
25 mins

observance which does not exist in this case

my take
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

which has not happened in this case

Something went wrong...
8 hrs
Spanish term (edited): gestion que en este caso no ha existido

a step that was not taken in this case / a procedure that was not implemented in this case

A couple of options for you.

From Oxford Spanish dictionary:

gestión femenino

1 (trámite): la única gestión que había realizado the only step he had taken; hizo or efectuó gestiones para adoptar un niño he went through the procedure for adopting a child; su apoyo a las gestiones de paz their support for the peace process o peace moves; las gestiones realizadas por sus compañeros the steps o action taken by his colleagues; las gestiones actualmente en marcha para resolverlo the efforts currently under way to resolve it; unas gestiones que tenía que realizar some business that I had to attend to.

Search the document at the reference link below for "30.4" (as in Article 30.4 of the IAHCR's Rules of Procedure). The English version of this Article reads as follows:

"In serious and urgent cases, or when it is believed that the life or personal integrity of a person is in real and imminent danger, the Commission shall request the promptest reply from the State, using for this purpose the means it considers most expeditious"

Rather than the comma used to seperate this passage in the Spanish, I think I would use an em dash in the English.

Example sentence:

— a step that was not taken in this case.

— a procedure that was not implemented in this case.

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