Jan 8, 2013 12:13
12 yrs ago
60 viewers *
Spanish term

la integración del capital se efectúa de la siguiente manera

Spanish to English Other Law (general)
Estoy traduciendo un contrato social de una sociedad anónima. En una de sus partes, donde se menciona el capital social, dice lo siguiente:
"La integración del capital se efectúa de la siguiente manera: en bienes conforme el inventario realizado el (fecha)
Es correcto si lo traduzco "the capital is subscribed as follows: assets in accordance with the inventory carried out on.."
Muchas gracias
Change log

Jan 8, 2013 16:25: Alistair Ian Spearing Ortiz changed "Language pair" from "English to Spanish" to "Spanish to English"

Proposed translations

7 hrs

The paying in of capital is done as follows:

I understand this term has been previously discussed here, only that the Spanish version came as "integración de capital social,"which I believe does not alter the translation according to the attached Wikipedia explanation. I hope this helps.
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : The paying-up www.ecb.int/ecb/legal/pdf/l_02820080201en00360039.pdf
2 hrs
Thanks Tom.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot!"
4 hrs

capital integration occurs as follows

or: the use of integrated capital occurs as follows...
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4 hrs

the capital (of the company) is made up in the following manner...

This would be correct I think.
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1 day 1 hr

The integration of capital is performed as follows...

La cuestión reside en el sentido que se le da al término "integration".
En éste caso, mi sugerencia es acertada.
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Reference comments

2 hrs

suscripción e integración del capital

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