Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Terry Burgess
Mar 5, 2002 20:32
23 yrs ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term


Non-PRO Spanish to English Marketing HR management software
Esta nueva suite, incorpora tecnologías state-of-the-art web, ofreciendo planificación de back office y soporte en los procesos de toma de decisiones para el desarrollo del front-office, planificación y colaboración.

I couldn't understand the meaning in Spanish here - it's a software package which provides support for decision-making processes involving development of the front-office, planning and ...
Proposed translations (English)
2 +8 assistance/cooperation/collaboration
5 +1 file sharing
4 poor "Spanglish"...
4 knowledge sharing

Discussion Mar 5, 2002:
assistance/cooperation/collaboration I thought of those things, as well as the idea of "partnership" but it still doesn't seem to mean anything really concrete.

Proposed translations

7 mins


Could it be this simple?...perhaps!
Good Luck!!

Note added at 2002-03-05 21:00:59 (GMT)

Seems awfully simple Anthony...but I think \"assistance\" could well fit your context.

\"Consulting Services
Professional Assistance for IT Business Mgmt Issues\"

Sorry, but that\'s the best I can do. Hopefully, another colleague will come up with something better for you.

None needed

Peer comment(s):

agree Parrot : Hey Terry - Great to have you back!!!
1 min
Hi Cecilia...and thanks!!!!....nice to be back:-))
agree Andrea Sacchi
4 mins
Thx Andrea:-))
agree José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
4 mins
Thx José L:-))
agree AnneM (X) : collaboration - Anthony, if you do a google search with "front office" "back office" "collaboration", you will see lots of examples of how it does make sense
14 mins
Thx a million Anne!!!..I already added a note but this is a "plus":-))).
agree Oso (X) : ¡Abrazo a mi compa por una buena respuesta! ¶:^)
22 mins
Gracias Compa:-))))
agree Myrtha
1 hr
Thx Myrtha:-)))
agree Fiona N�voa
11 hrs
agree O María Elena Guerrero
16 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I was a bit late awarding these points because to tell the truth AnneM was the one who gave the most helpful answer with the Google search of the three terms together - hers was, however, a comment in your answer, and it appears I can't give points for a comment! So you get to score the points for getting in there first, even though in the end I used the term "collaboration" (perhaps you owe AnneM a virtual coffee now! :-) ). I since discovered that that is the term they use within the company, too. Thanks everyone for helping out. Anthony"
15 mins

poor "Spanglish"...

En todo caso, en medio de semejante redacción, me parece que esta suite brinda apoyo en el proceso de toma de decisiones para desarrollar "front-office", así como apoyo en la planificación y la colaboración. Es decir, no creo que el proceso de toma de decisiones sea relativo a las dos últimas tareas.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

file sharing

as in when two people need to work on the same files. It's called work or file sharing.
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalie Sanadze
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

knowledge sharing

Collaboration in the sense of gathering any and all information and/or knowledge, consequently building a database, which will be useful to any decision-making process. (Stored information).

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