Nov 7, 2003 13:34
21 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term
hematuria amenizante
Spanish to English
Medical: hematuria translates as hematuria, blood in the urine, but what is amenizante?
Proposed translations
4 | hematuria anemizante - anemizing hematuria |
Carolina Garrido
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4 +1 | hematuria anemizante -> anemia secondary to hematuria |
Elena Sgarbo (X)
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5 | life-threatening |
Valentín Hernández Lima
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Proposed translations
5 mins
hematuria anemizante - anemizing hematuria
URVI - UDIAT CD - Novetats
I think you have a typo here, it is hematuria "anemizante", which causes anemia.
... a. bronquiales Hemorragia digestiva ASDIA después de descartar el foco por endoscopia Hematuria anemizante origen renal o vesical ASDIA Renal pélvica Embolización selectiva Hemorragia de origen ... • Translate
Microsoft PowerPoint - Anemieas
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... RBC (Fig. 28) Splenectomy! Hereditary elliptocytosis Mild anemia, in combination with other **anemizing** factors only Again a membrane defect of actin- spectrin-ankyrin skeleton No therapy Defects in ...
I have not found anemizing hematuria as an compound term, but I have found both words separately.
I think you have a typo here, it is hematuria "anemizante", which causes anemia.
... a. bronquiales Hemorragia digestiva ASDIA después de descartar el foco por endoscopia Hematuria anemizante origen renal o vesical ASDIA Renal pélvica Embolización selectiva Hemorragia de origen ... • Translate
Microsoft PowerPoint - Anemieas
File type:PDF - Download PDF Reader
... RBC (Fig. 28) Splenectomy! Hereditary elliptocytosis Mild anemia, in combination with other **anemizing** factors only Again a membrane defect of actin- spectrin-ankyrin skeleton No therapy Defects in ...
I have not found anemizing hematuria as an compound term, but I have found both words separately.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Hola Carolina, thanks for the detailed answer and references, Algy
(I admit, I typed it in wrongly, should of course be anemizante!)
6 mins
hematuria anemizante -> anemia secondary to hematuria
I believe there's a typo in the 2nd term: it should be "anemizante".
Good luck
Good luck
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Valentín Hernández Lima
: Is that so? Algy is lucky you were around!
1 min
Deeply flattered, Valentin. La tuya es una "good guess", also. Muchas gracias :-))
6 mins
Most probably someone meant "hematuria amenazante" that is, such a severe hematuria that poses clear risks to the life of the patient.
As in,
Valorar su severidad condicionada por la cantidad, velocidad del sangrado y la reserva funcional respiratoria del paciente. De forma arbitraria, toda hemoptisis puede clasificarse en:
Leve < 30cc/día (un esputo hemoptoico equivale a 5 cc)
Moderada 30-150 cc/día
Amenazante >150 cc/día (supone riesgo para la vida del paciente).
Masiva >150-200 ml/hora ó >600 ml en 24-48 horas
As in,
Valorar su severidad condicionada por la cantidad, velocidad del sangrado y la reserva funcional respiratoria del paciente. De forma arbitraria, toda hemoptisis puede clasificarse en:
Leve < 30cc/día (un esputo hemoptoico equivale a 5 cc)
Moderada 30-150 cc/día
Amenazante >150 cc/día (supone riesgo para la vida del paciente).
Masiva >150-200 ml/hora ó >600 ml en 24-48 horas
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