Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

silurid catfish

Added to glossary by Berni Armstrong
Feb 7, 2001 04:54
24 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other
Another fish. I've even sen pics of this thanks to google - but no translation!

Any fisher folk know off hand?

Proposed translations

1 hr

silurid catfish

I would suggest this translation because there are various kinds of catfishes that do not belong to Sylurius family. Examples: Mochokid catfish(Synodontis family), Doradid catfish(Pseudodoras y Orinocodoras), Electric catfish (Malapterus electricus....) that all live in the fresh waters.

Try Google.

Good luck.


Fish Encyclopedia

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hi there, Jthree (jeoffrey?) may have the credentials but Google confirmed Davorka's educated guess. Thanks to all three of you. Berni "
8 mins


siluro and bagre are both words for catfish. siluro is similar to the French word silure.
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30 mins


silurid may belong to the catfish species but it's much bigger, gigantic and it is found especially in hungarian and russian lakes
better use the authentic name
hope it helps
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3 hrs


this is what I found in the Simon and Schuster
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