Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

transcurrió con toda normalidad

English translation:

had a completely normal

Added to glossary by Henry Hinds
Dec 5, 2004 16:33
20 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Spanish term

transcurrió con normalidad

Spanish to English Other Psychology
Context_ pre-adoption psychological report

Su adolescencia transcurrió con toda normalidad, sin ningún conflicto, entre la familia, los estudios, encuentros con los amigos, los ratos de cino o los deportes, en especial la práctica de natación.

Her period of adolescence ran smoothly, no trouble at all, and she spent her time with family and friends, attending school, going to the cinema or practicing sports such as swimming.

Discussion Dec 5, 2004:
Sorry, my question is about "ran smoothly". I'm not quite sure about it.
Thank you very much!

Proposed translations

14 mins
Spanish term (edited): transcurri� con normalidad

had a completely normal

She had a completely normal adolescence without any conflicts, with her family, school, contacts with friends, time spent on movies or sports, especially her involvement in swimming

Pero por lo visto es la adoptante, ya será adulta.
Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Fauble
58 mins
Gracias, Michele.
agree Patrice
2 hrs
Gracias, Patricia.
agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
14 hrs
Gracias, Muriel.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchísimas gracias, Henry y Mª Luisa. Saludos."
3 mins

elapsed with normalcy / normality

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5 mins

He went through a very normal childhood

... of alcohol abuse. Dylan had been in child care since he was one. His mother reported a 'very normal' childhood. No records of ... std_misc/Conduct_Disorder_children.htm - 67k
Peer comment(s):

agree Neil Phillipson : he/she? :)
2 mins
he/she. Thank you!MLD
agree Karen Friedman : or, "His childhood was quite normal..."
6 mins
Thank you!MLD
agree Marylen
39 mins
Thank you!MLD
agree Richenel Ansano
9 hrs
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