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How to unsubscribe from the mass email list (see email below)
Thread poster: Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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Mar 30, 2016

I get contacted a lot by a certain agency that sends their job offers to me because I am on this list, and that means I am one of thousands of other translators? who gets this email sent to: Member - [email protected]

I do not want to get offers like that. How do I get off this list (as long as this is really a list)?

I thought this might be interesting to other colleagues so I post
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I get contacted a lot by a certain agency that sends their job offers to me because I am on this list, and that means I am one of thousands of other translators? who gets this email sent to: Member - [email protected]

I do not want to get offers like that. How do I get off this list (as long as this is really a list)?

I thought this might be interesting to other colleagues so I posted it here.

Thank you,

PS: Well, I'll submit a support ticket then.

[Edited at 2016-03-30 22:18 GMT]
See clarification in my other post below.

[Edited at 2016-03-31 14:38 GMT]

Patrick Porter
Patrick Porter
United States
Local time: 10:45
Spanish to English
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Good luck Mar 30, 2016

I still haven't figured this one out either. It seems to me that I've checked all the necessary options to avoid these unsolicited messages, but they still come nevertheless.

My solution so far has been to create an email filter for anything from At least that avoids it going straight to my inbox (and alerting me on my mobile). The problem is that sometimes I don't immediately see messages sent via Proz from people whose message I actually want to see.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:45
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"A certain agency" Mar 31, 2016

In that case I thought you could set a switch somewhere on to block anything from them. But I haven't blocked anyone myself.

Personally, I could also set up a filter to delete emails containing their name in the body of the email, or redirect them somewhere else, such as spam. But maybe you can't do that.

I did get spammed by one company recently. Not only were "their" rates pitiful, they seemed to think I was some sort of superbeing who could handle any subjec
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In that case I thought you could set a switch somewhere on to block anything from them. But I haven't blocked anyone myself.

Personally, I could also set up a filter to delete emails containing their name in the body of the email, or redirect them somewhere else, such as spam. But maybe you can't do that.

I did get spammed by one company recently. Not only were "their" rates pitiful, they seemed to think I was some sort of superbeing who could handle any subject area in any language pair. I sent a few increasingly irritated replies, then told them that if they didn't desist I would report them first to the site and then to the authorities, as spamming is not tolerated nowadays on-line. Haven't heard from them since.

Alejandro Cavalitto
Alejandro Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:45
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
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You can block who can contact you through the Directory Mar 31, 2016


Messages sent through the Directory of translators and interpreters have "[email protected] " as the "TO" email address. All of these messages include a line that reads:

To adjust your email preferences, visit this page:

If you visit that page, you will be able to block users from contacting you based on their account and IP address. That information is included in the email as well. From the same page, you can restrict who can contact you based on general criteria, like whether the sender is a site member or not.

If that fails, you may want to block a specific email address on your email account directly. Note that the email address to block should be the "FROM" address, not the "TO" address.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any question.

Best regards,

Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:45
Member (2005)
Italian to English
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Option to opt out of mass mails Mar 31, 2016

Alejandro I asked support this before and it was a no go but are you considering an "opt out" option for mass mails like this in the future.
I would appreciate something like this.

The only solution support gave me was to deactivate all mails from Proz which is obviously not a good option. I want to receive mails sent to ME but I don't want to receive mass mails sent to all Proz Members on a page of translators.

Personally I think just removing the "check all" opt
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Alejandro I asked support this before and it was a no go but are you considering an "opt out" option for mass mails like this in the future.
I would appreciate something like this.

The only solution support gave me was to deactivate all mails from Proz which is obviously not a good option. I want to receive mails sent to ME but I don't want to receive mass mails sent to all Proz Members on a page of translators.

Personally I think just removing the "check all" option at the top of the list of translators would be enough so if a client wishes to contact people on that page they can select them one-by-one. There's more chance of them finding the right translator for the job like that too imo.

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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Clarification for staff and request to be able to unsubscribe from that list now Mar 31, 2016

Jo Macdonald wrote:

Alejandro I asked support this before and it was a no go but are you considering an "opt out" option for mass mails like this in the future.
I would appreciate something like this.

The only solution support gave me was to deactivate all mails from Proz which is obviously not a good option. I want to receive mails sent to ME but I don't want to receive mass mails sent to all Proz Members on a page of translators.

Personally I think just removing the "check all" option at the top of the list of translators would be enough so if a client wishes to contact people on that page they can select them one-by-one. There's more chance of them finding the right translator for the job like that too imo.

I am not only interested in blocking a particular outsourcer from sending me emails but in unsubscribing from the entire mass email list Member - [email protected]

Many outsourcers contact all members on this list at the same time with one email by simply emailing everybody on that email list. I have no intention of answering any of these emails. There should be a way to unsubscribe from that list - now.

To staff:
I edited my title that you changed to "How to unsubscribe from messages sent through the Directory" back to something similar to my original title "How to unsubscribe from the Member [email protected] list." I would appreciate it if you could leave the title as it is now because that's what I am asking about.

[Edited at 2016-03-31 14:48 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-01 13:20 GMT]

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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I want to unsubscribe from the list Mar 31, 2016

Sheila Wilson wrote:

In that case I thought you could set a switch somewhere on to block anything from them. But I haven't blocked anyone myself.

Personally, I could also set up a filter to delete emails containing their name in the body of the email, or redirect them somewhere else, such as spam. But maybe you can't do that.

I did get spammed by one company recently. Not only were "their" rates pitiful, they seemed to think I was some sort of superbeing who could handle any subject area in any language pair. I sent a few increasingly irritated replies, then told them that if they didn't desist I would report them first to the site and then to the authorities, as spamming is not tolerated nowadays on-line. Haven't heard from them since.

Hi Sheila,

Thank you for your post. Although it's very annoying to get these emails especially from one outsourcer again and again, my main request is to unsubscribe from this list altogether. For all future mass emails to that list.

Alejandro Cavalitto
Alejandro Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:45
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
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It is not possible to unsubscribe from directory messages without limiting profile messages Mar 31, 2016


Thanks for your replies. As Jo pointed out, it is not possible to opt out of messages sent through the Directory without at the same time limiting who can contact you through your profile. This could, however, be evaluated for possible future implementation. Thank you for the suggestion. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Best regards,

Thomas Pfann
Thomas Pfann  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:45
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It's not a fixed list Mar 31, 2016

Bernhard Sulzer wrote:

As Jo write about, I am not only interested in blocking a particular outsourcer from sending me emails but in unsubscribing from the entire mass email list Member - [email protected]

Many outsourcers contact all members on this list at the same time with one email by simply emailing everybody on that email list.

I think there is a misconception about that "list". It's not a list per se. Email senders create that list themselves by selecting the translators they want to contact. Depending on their selection the list could contain anything from two up to several thousand recipients. [EDIT/Correction: As Alejandro explained below, the list could contain as little as one recipient up to a maximum of 100 recipients.]

So there is no list you could unsubscribe from. If you chose to be contactable by email then it's up to the outsourcer whether they contact each translator individually or group several translators together and send one email to all of them.

Personally, I tend to ignore such group emails unless I am really interested. Once I received one and the sender (obviously feeling uneasy about it) actually apologized for sending a group mail rather than contacting me personally and they specified that this email went to five different translators and that all replies would be replied to. I thought that was very decent and, of course, I did reply to that one.

Sometimes it is just so much easier to send one email to a whole group of translators. Especially if you are looking for more than one translator anyway and bearing in mind that some translators won't reply at all, others will be unavailable. It would take forever to place a translation if you were to contact potential translators one by one.

And it doesn't always mean that the list of recipients contains hundreds of translators; sometimes it's just a few carefully selected candidates.

[Edited at 2016-03-31 15:51 GMT]

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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It's an @ list Mar 31, 2016

Alejandro Cavalitto wrote:


Thanks for your replies. As Jo pointed out, it is not possible to opt out of messages sent through the Directory without at the same time limiting who can contact you through your profile. This could, however, be evaluated for possible future implementation. Thank you for the suggestion. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Best regards,

Hi Alejandro,

Could you please comment on Thomas' post above. I do believe this is a list which includes all members. Maybe the senders can restrict the list a bit but it is a"member @" list and, ultimately, I should be able to unsubscribe from it or have an option to opt out of being on this list.

[Edited at 2016-03-31 15:15 GMT]

Alejandro Cavalitto
Alejandro Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:45
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
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Each sender creates the list before sending a batch email Mar 31, 2016


Thomas is correct (thanks for stepping in!), each sender creates the list when selecting freelancers to contact through the Directory. The list can include as little as 1 freelancer, if the client wants to contact a single freelancer found on the directory without visiting their profile, up to 100 freelancers at the same time. <
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Thomas is correct (thanks for stepping in!), each sender creates the list when selecting freelancers to contact through the Directory. The list can include as little as 1 freelancer, if the client wants to contact a single freelancer found on the directory without visiting their profile, up to 100 freelancers at the same time.

If you visit and make a search, you will see that each freelancer has a checkbox next to their name. If you check that box, the number next to "Candidates in batch mail list" will increase to show there is one member in that list. That is the list we are referring to here, not a general list. (If you do test this, note that you can later clear the test members in your list by clicking on "Clear List").

To sum it up, this is not a general list, but one created by each potential client before contacting freelancers. That is why blocking specific users from contacting you is a great way to avoid repeat messages from outsourcers who contact you often without also harming the possibility of being contacted directly through the directory by other potential clients.

I hope this explains! If you have any further question, don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:45
Member (2005)
Italian to English
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1 click mass mailing Mar 31, 2016

Thanks for the feedback Alejandro.

I really think you should remove that grey "Check all" check box at the top of the check boxes. With this "Check all" box anyone can spam up to 100 professional translators at a time, which unless I'm mistaken is how these Proz member mass mails are generated, just search the Freelancers' directory, tick grey "check all" box and click "Mail all now".

If you remove this "check all" check box potential clients can still select the transl
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Thanks for the feedback Alejandro.

I really think you should remove that grey "Check all" check box at the top of the check boxes. With this "Check all" box anyone can spam up to 100 professional translators at a time, which unless I'm mistaken is how these Proz member mass mails are generated, just search the Freelancers' directory, tick grey "check all" box and click "Mail all now".

If you remove this "check all" check box potential clients can still select the translators they want to send a message to by ticking the translators' single check boxes.

I think this would greatly reduce the amount of unsolicited mass mail sent to everyone, while still leaving clients the chance to send mail to more than one translator at a time.

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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Just tried it Mar 31, 2016

Alejandro Cavalitto wrote:


If you visit and make a search, you will see that each freelancer has a checkbox next to their name. If you check that box, the number next to "Candidates in batch mail list" will increase to show there is one member in that list. That is the list we are referring to here, not a general list. (If you do test this, note that you can later clear the test members in your list by clicking on "Clear List"). ...

Just tried it and yes the recipient of such email is listed as
" Member" - [email protected]

That means the sender is either contacting you, only you, through the directory (not the profile), or as many translators as he/she wishes to contact (more likely),up to 100?, again through clicking the check box next to the translators' names or the check all box in the directory and then sending the message to all of them.

It means to me though that the outsourcer most likely did not bother looking at your profile and hopes to get offers from the cheapest respondent, which is especially likely if this comes from an outsourcer which in general only accepts very low bids. So it's again for people bidding mainly based on price, and pretty much like spamming.

I would suggest that you institute a reasonable limit on how many translators can be contacted that way with time limits or send the interested parties to our profiles first. Otherwise, it does open the door to a very quick and easy way to get those low offers so many of these companies crave/demand.

It's important to be able to be contacted through the directory, but the directory should not be abused.

I second Jo's suggestion above!

[Edited at 2016-03-31 18:15 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-01 14:54 GMT]

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 16:45
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English to Croatian
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An idea. Mar 31, 2016

What about an option that says: "this member opted for direct contacts and out of mass emails", that we could select from our profile?

[Edited at 2016-03-31 16:57 GMT]

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:45
English to German
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Option Mar 31, 2016

Lingua 5B wrote:

What about an option that says: "this member opted for direct contacts and out of mass emails", that we could select from our profile?

[Edited at 2016-03-31 16:57 GMT]

I like your idea Lingua!

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How to unsubscribe from the mass email list (see email below)

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