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Are there any news about DVX4?
Thread poster: mikhailo
Local time: 05:31
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Oct 12, 2018

Are there any news about DVX4?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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latest thread on this topic on DejaVu-l (Yahoo mailing list) Oct 13, 2018

I'm sure you are already following this thread closely, but for others reading this who may not be, we are currently trying to get some info from Atril @

Latest post:

Message 36 of 36 , Oct 4 2018 4:38 AM
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I just called
... See more
I'm sure you are already following this thread closely, but for others reading this who may not be, we are currently trying to get some info from Atril @

Latest post:

Message 36 of 36 , Oct 4 2018 4:38 AM
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I just called their Paris office but only spoke with the telephone operator. He said the company is doing well and the persons concerned with new software will phone me back.

I'll get back to the group as soon as I know more.


Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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✞RIP Oct 14, 2018

[Edited at 2018-10-14 22:15 GMT]

Local time: 05:31
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re Oct 14, 2018

Michael Beijer wrote:

[Edited at 2018-10-14 22:15 GMT]

What does this mean?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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My ‘✞RIP’ + sad smiley were meant to indicate I think it's sad but it looks like Atril's dying Oct 15, 2018

mikhailo wrote:

Michael Beijer wrote:

[Edited at 2018-10-14 22:15 GMT]

What does this mean?

The company has been struggling for as long as I have known it. Struggling to develop anything new or fix old bugs, and struggling to communicate effectively with is user base. They have an interesting CAT tool, but it has too many shortcomings to use it as my daily tool. I know there is a small group of die-hard users (mainly who have been using DVX since the dawn of time) who insist that they trust Atril, bit for those of us such as myself who weren't around in the golden days, when the company was a lot more energetic/relevant/active, it's hard to trust something you can't see. Especially when the company seems so intent on ignoring us.

Sadly, these days the formerly much-hated lumbering giant SDL is doing a much better job of seeming to give a shit.


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Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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@Michael Oct 15, 2018

Michael Beijer wrote:
My ‘✞RIP’ + sad smiley were meant to indicate I think it's sad but it looks like Atril's dying.

My understanding is that saying RIP w.r.t. a person, idea or company means that they are dead and buried, not just dying.

Anyway, tell us why you believe Atril is dying...? I suppose we could write to the translators who most recently bought DVX3 via TGB to find out if they did in fact receive the promised training session and support. Or, we could write to any of the three translators who man the Atril support line (Nienke Groenendijk, Denise Lopes Rodrigues, Luc Ockers) via their profiles and ask them directly.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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they have been dying for years now Oct 15, 2018

Samuel Murray wrote:

Michael Beijer wrote:
My ‘✞RIP’ + sad smiley were meant to indicate I think it's sad but it looks like Atril's dying.

My understanding is that saying RIP w.r.t. a person, idea or company means that they are dead and buried, not just dying.

Anyway, tell us why you believe Atril is dying...? I suppose we could write to the translators who most recently bought DVX3 via TGB to find out if they did in fact receive the promised training session and support. Or, we could write to any of the three translators who man the Atril support line (Nienke Groenendijk, Denise Lopes Rodrigues, Luc Ockers) via their profiles and ask them directly.

Dead, dying, hmm, it feels like Atril has been dying for many years now, and in a way it is a miracle they are still alive, if only barely.

Just read this and tell me if this sounds like a healthy company:

Matthias Brombach
Matthias Brombach  Identity Verified
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Four weeks ago ... Oct 15, 2018

... I got a swift reply by Lorenzo Benito on my request for helping me with an issue I had with DV X3. I therefore don´t think they are "dead" already or will become dead soon.

Selcuk Akyuz
Merab Dekano
Selcuk Akyuz
Selcuk Akyuz  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:31
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I have problems with MS Word Oct 15, 2018

I sometimes have problems with MS Word or Windows but I cannot find where Bill gates is, I guess Microsoft will be dead soon.

Yolanda Broad
Denis Danchenko
Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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ha ha, very funny ;-) Oct 15, 2018

Selcuk Akyuz wrote:

I sometimes have problems with MS Word or Windows but I cannot find where Bill gates is, I guess Microsoft will be dead soon.

They might not be dead, but they sure as hell don't treat their users very nicely. All this silence silence silence just isn't a good way to go about reassuring your users you give a shit.


Local time: 05:31
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re Oct 15, 2018

But are there any news about DVX4.

[Редактировалось 2018-10-15 20:23 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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Sadly, no. Oct 15, 2018

mikhailo wrote:

But are there any news about DVX4.

[Редактировалось 2018-10-15 20:23 GMT]


Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
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+ ... well as fixes to major known issues Oct 15, 2018

This is what they wrote on May 23 2018 about DVX3. This means that (letting new functionalities alone) after almost five months they are still working on "fixing major issues". Major issues should have been fixed years ago—as soon as they were acknowledged—and if they realized that it was taking so long to put together a new DVX3 build with all the old issues fixed, to show that they are still alive and prevent their former users to find alternatives, in the past five months they could have ... See more
This is what they wrote on May 23 2018 about DVX3. This means that (letting new functionalities alone) after almost five months they are still working on "fixing major issues". Major issues should have been fixed years ago—as soon as they were acknowledged—and if they realized that it was taking so long to put together a new DVX3 build with all the old issues fixed, to show that they are still alive and prevent their former users to find alternatives, in the past five months they could have at least fixed one, or maybe two.

As a long-time Déjàvu user, I recognize that it’s been the cheapest among the paid CAT tools on the market (in more than ten years I paid perhaps only two licenses, which were still cheaper than competitors'), yet it's still very powerful. If they had made it a paid software some years ago they would have had all the necessary resources to keep it among the best CAT tools around, if not the best of all. Now, sorry to say this, it's too late (for me).

[Edited at 2018-10-16 01:38 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:31
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totally agree Oct 16, 2018

Mario Cerutti wrote:

This is what they wrote on May 23 2018 about DVX3. In other words, this means that (letting new functionalities alone) after almost five months they are still working on "fixing major issues"? Such major issues should have been fixed long time ago—as soon as they were acknowledged—and if it's taking so long to put together a new DVX3 build with all issues fixed, to show that they are still alive and prevent their former users to find alternatives, in the past five months they could have at least issued one major fix at the time.

As a long-time Déjàvu user, I recognize that it’s been the cheapest among the paid CAT tools on the market (in more than ten years I paid only two licenses, and they were still cheaper than competitors'), yet all in all it's still very powerful. If they had made it a paid software some years ago they would have had all the necessary resources to keep it among the best CAT tools around, if not the best of all.

I would be more than happy to pay quite a bit more to fund faster development and help Atril keep their amazing program up to date and relevant in the fast-moving CAT tool market. However, what is more worrying than their lack of progress is their complete and utter inability to communicate with their users. Years of silence is really no way to engender trust & loyalty.


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Are there any news about DVX4?

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