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Do you keep up to date with your working languages?
Thread poster: Sofía Creo
Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:57
Member (2012)
English to Maltese
+ ...
Yes, sure Jan 17, 2023

Sofía Creo wrote:

Here in Argentina, that is sometimes difficult because of the distances and prices. I use an app called Tandem to speak with natives every time I can

Josephine Cassar wrote:

Go to the countries of the source languages if possible, mix with locals (not touristy sense). I used to go before Covid, nearly every year, to different parts of both countries. Now I'll go again. That is the best then, if possible.

[Edited at 2023-01-17 15:03 GMT]

Yes, expensive it sure is. From Malta you have to take a plane to go anywhere at all, except for Sicily. Then you can take trains but the worst part is from Sicily to Rome, but still worth it if you can afford it or spare money for it. Apart from languages, travelling is enriching

[Edited at 2023-01-17 15:20 GMT]

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:57
Member (2003)
French to Italian
+ ...
Just curses (in napolitano) Jan 17, 2023

Evgeny Sidorenko wrote:

When I waste my time watching movie series, I do it in English. British series are great for listening to various accents. The latest fun is watching the Gomorra series in Italian with the English subtitles. It just sounds cool, and you can learn some Italian curses too.

Because their Italian is Napolitano not quite correct Italian

Brian Joyce
Brian Joyce  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Member (2022)
French to English
OCD Jan 24, 2023

Obssession is the key. I am obsessed with French film critics on utube, as well as politics and current affairs. During the recent presidential elections, I could listen to Eric Zemmour for hours.

Sofía Creo
Sofía Creo
Local time: 14:57
English to Spanish
+ ...
Good! It helps a lot to be updated with the recent news as well. Jan 25, 2023

Brian Joyce wrote:

Obssession is the key. I am obsessed with French film critics on utube, as well as politics and current affairs. During the recent presidential elections, I could listen to Eric Zemmour for hours.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:57
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Yes Jan 25, 2023

Yes - I watch Italian TV all the time and I keep up, as best I can, with events in Italy when I can't be there physically. I do this not because I have to as part of my work as a translator, but because I'm interested and, to an extent, personally involved.

Sofía Creo
Christine Andersen
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Do you keep up to date with your working languages?

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