newsletter – November 2013

Source: newsletter
Story flagged by: Maria Kopnitsky

(1) Year-end report to members published
(2) New translation contest, submissions now open
(3) Translators without Borders efforts in the Philippines
(4) Risk management for language professionals: free video
(5) You can propose source texts for future translation contests
(6) Upcoming powwows

(1) Year-end report to members published

The year-end report to members for 2013 was published on November 5th, detailing some of the news and advances on the site in the second half of this year.

Thanks goes out to all paying members, without whom these improvements, and the site itself, would not be possible.

(2) New translation contest, “Poetry with a tune,” submissions open now

A new translation contest, “Poetry with a tune: Translation of Lyrics,” has started. The source text is in English.

Submissions are open from now until January 14th. If you translate from English, or just feel up to the challenge, please consider taking a break and having some fun with this one.

(3) Translators without Borders efforts in the recent crisis in the Philippines

A small team of members and Translators without Borders volunteers were part of the emergency team assisting the Philippines population during the recent typhoon-related humanitarian crisis. This team worked online, identifying keywords and translating messages in order to direct support teams to the sites where help was most needed.

Members of this team were:
* Lysander Canlas —
* Joy Navarro —
* Lois —

(4) Risk management for language professionals: free video

This free video covers some of the basics in risk management for language professionals: investigating new clients for reliability, protecting yourself from scams, clarifying terms at the outset of projects, and avoiding or minimizing the risks of non-payment, etc. Especially if you are just starting out in the business, you may find this video interesting and helpful.

(5) You can propose a source text for future translation contests in your native language

Source texts used in translation contests are generally short literary texts or excerpts of general appeal. By proposing a source text in your native language, you can help to ensure that others who translate from that language to other languages can participate in upcoming contests. The criteria used in selecting texts for translation contests, and the form to submit proposals, can be found on the page below.

(6) Upcoming powwows: France, Slovakia, Canada, Germany, etc.

22: Strasbourg, France (16 members)
25: Kosice, Slovakia (1)
27: Guelph, Canada (4)
30: Hamburg, Germany (46)
30: Birmingham, UK (12)
30: Buenos Aires, Argentina (20)

4: Whiteley, UK (3)
5: Edinburgh, UK (30)
7: Prague, Czech Republic (58)
7: Cardiff, UK (11)
7: Brasília, Brazil (4)
13: Madrid, Spain (46)
14: Santos, Brazil (10)
17: Tehran, Iran (25)
21: Genova, Italy (4)
24: Havana, Cuba (1)

3: Sydney, Australia (1)
13: Utrecht, Netherlands (12)

Full list of powwows:

============================================================ membership is a small investment that can make a big difference in how you reach new clients and collaborators.

Thanks for tuning in. If you are a member, thank you for contributing to the accomplishments detailed in this year’s reports to members and for your continuing support of the site!

Happy translating,

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