Copy command before starting to type
Thread poster: Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
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Jul 24, 2017

As I start to type a long phrase, a complicated name, an address, or something like that, I notice that I am going to need to copy it and paste it again elsewhere in my document. I have to wait until I have typed it, and then I highlight it, and then I hit Control C and Control V.

Is there a way to speed up the process by indicating *before I start to type* that I intend to copy a certain segment? Then again at the end of the segment I would insert another marker and I could go ahe
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As I start to type a long phrase, a complicated name, an address, or something like that, I notice that I am going to need to copy it and paste it again elsewhere in my document. I have to wait until I have typed it, and then I highlight it, and then I hit Control C and Control V.

Is there a way to speed up the process by indicating *before I start to type* that I intend to copy a certain segment? Then again at the end of the segment I would insert another marker and I could go ahead and copy and paste. This would eliminate the whole highlighting step. Can Word do this?

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:34
Danish to English
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Does this help? Jul 24, 2017

If you're in Word, what is your definition of a "segment"? That's a CAT tool concept, as far as I'm aware.

In a CAT tool segment or a text box in Word, you could use Ctrl+A to select all, depending on what else is in the segment or text box.

Elsewhere in Word, you can click just in front of a line to highlight the entire line or several lines (click, hold and drag).

That's the best I can think of. Not exactly what you asked for, though.

John Fossey
John Fossey  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:34
Member (2008)
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Selecting with the keyboard Jul 24, 2017

Not as far as I know. But you can use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to select a full word (left and right arrows) or a full line (up or down arrows) at a time, which is faster then highlighting with the mouse. So if you know you need to copy a segment of text, as soon as you have typed the text (with the cursor now at the end of the segment) click Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow as many times as there are words in the segment, then Ctrl+C to copy and End to return the cursor to the end of the segment. It's pretty f... See more
Not as far as I know. But you can use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to select a full word (left and right arrows) or a full line (up or down arrows) at a time, which is faster then highlighting with the mouse. So if you know you need to copy a segment of text, as soon as you have typed the text (with the cursor now at the end of the segment) click Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow as many times as there are words in the segment, then Ctrl+C to copy and End to return the cursor to the end of the segment. It's pretty fast.

[Edited at 2017-07-24 14:38 GMT]

Maija Cirule
Maija Cirule  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:34
German to English
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Maybe you should Jul 24, 2017

paste the phrase, address or whatever it is on the Word's clipboard and thereafter insert it in the desired place.

[Edited at 2017-07-24 15:31 GMT]

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 16:34
French to English
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F8 is your friend! Jul 24, 2017

If you press F8 before you start typing, and then F8 at the end of the part you want, it should let you select it in that way; PROVIDED you don't in the interim select anything else for some other reason.

Hedwig Spitzer (X)
Hedwig Spitzer (X)  Identity Verified
French to Spanish
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Alt + F3 in Word Jul 24, 2017

Just select the word, phrase or title and press Alt + F3. It will save it in the autocomplete form. Next time you start typing it, it will automatically appear.


Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
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Thankyou Jul 24, 2017

I appreciate everyone chipping in with comments and ideas. Many thanks!

Shouguang Cao
Shouguang Cao  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
English to Chinese
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F8 Jul 25, 2017

Hi Tony,

F8 doesn't seem to work that way. Press F8 will select the word under cursor.

Hi Jessica,

I don't think there is a function within word you can do what you do what you want but it can be fufilled by Autohotkey programming.


Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 16:34
French to English
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F8 Jul 25, 2017

Shouguang Cao wrote:

F8 doesn't seem to work that way. Press F8 will select the word under cursor.

That's odd, it does here! Maybe it's changed on more recent versions of Word? I'm still on Office XP.

It is intended really for selecting large amounts of text: the first press on F8 marks the start, and the second press marks the end and selects everything in between; which is exactly what OP needs here, I think.

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
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Alas, Cruel F8! Jul 25, 2017

Yes, in my version, Word 10, F8 is not my friend. It selects random lines below the point of insertion, but the letters I'm typing do not appear. Instead, if I type a 't' it highlights everything up to the next 't' in the text; then if type an 'o' it continues highlighting up until the next 'o'; an 'n' keeps the highlighting going until it hits another 'n', and so on until the next letter, in this case a 'y'.

Shouguang Cao
Shouguang Cao  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
English to Chinese
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a program Jul 25, 2017

I will work out a little program for you Jessica some time this week.

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
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Helpful tip for quick selecting Jul 25, 2017

John Fossey wrote: can use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to select a full word (left and right arrows) or a full line (up or down arrows) at a time, which is faster then highlighting with the mouse. So if you know you need to copy a segment of text, as soon as you have typed the text (with the cursor now at the end of the segment) click Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow as many times as there are words in the segment, then Ctrl+C to copy and End to return the cursor to the end of the segment...

Thanks, John, I've tried this, and it will henceforth be my go-to strategy for quick selecting.

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
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Thank you, Shouguang Cao Jul 25, 2017

Shouguang Cao wrote:

I will work out a little program for you Jessica some time this week.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Shouguang Cao
Shouguang Cao  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
English to Chinese
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Use this little app Jul 26, 2017

Hi Jessica,

I made F9 work as desired.

Click to download and double click the downloaded file to run. Then the program will work in the background by adding a system shortcut F9.

Press F9, and start to type some text. Then double press F9. The text your just typed is copied to the clipboard
... See more
Hi Jessica,

I made F9 work as desired.

Click to download and double click the downloaded file to run. Then the program will work in the background by adding a system shortcut F9.

Press F9, and start to type some text. Then double press F9. The text your just typed is copied to the clipboard and you can use ctrl +V to paste anywhere.
For exmple

(Press F9) LOVE(double press F9) is the keyword.

Then you can paste the word LOVE with CTRL+V. And it works everywhere, not just in Word

You will receive some security warnings when you download and run the program, but there is no virus and it's open source. All unknown programs to windows trigger those warnings.

For those who know Autohotkey, it's just a few lines:

recording := false
if (!recording) {
recording := true
log :=""
Input, key, V I,{LWin}{RWin}{F9}
} else {
recording := false
Clipboard := key

Jessica Noyes wrote:

Shouguang Cao wrote:

I will work out a little program for you Jessica some time this week.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

[Edited at 2017-07-26 16:12 GMT]

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:34
Spanish to English
+ ...
This program works great for signaling a "Copy" command in advance Jul 27, 2017

Thank you so very much for writing and sending this little program! It is going to save me a lot of time. -Jess

[quote]Shouguang Cao wrote:

I made F9 work as desired.

Click to download and double click the downloaded file to run. Then the program will work in the background by adding a system shortcut F9.

Press F9, and start to type some text. Then double press F9. The text your just typed is copied to the clipboard and you can use ctrl +V to paste anywhere.
For exmple

(Press F9) LOVE(double press F9) is the keyword.

Then you can paste the word LOVE with CTRL+V. And it works everywhere, not just in Word

You will receive some security warnings when you download and run the program, but there is no virus and it's open source. All unknown programs to windows trigger those warnings.

For those who know Autohotkey, it's just a few lines:

recording := false
if (!recording) {
recording := true
log :=""
Input, key, V I,{LWin}{RWin}{F9}
} else {
recording := false
Clipboard := key

[Edited at 2017-07-27 14:54 GMT]


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Copy command before starting to type

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