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What is the ideal for translation?
Thread poster: Phil Hand
Giles Watson
Giles Watson  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:55
Italian to English
In memoriam
Files\Options\Editor\Spelling Oct 29, 2014

Merab Dekano wrote:

- Trados has very poor spell check capabilities and its built in dictionaries are largely flawed (Spanish, at least). It is incredible, though, since it costs quite some chunk of money.

- I discovered that if I ran spell check and grammar check in Word, after I have exported the target document, this would fix all possible typos; stupid things, such as missing "¿" signs, spaces, etc.).

You can activate the MS Word spell checker in Trados Studio 2014 (see title) if you have Word on your computer. There's even a free plug-in that makes the Word grammar checker available in Studio although you might want to disable "Check Grammar during translation", which slows Studio down.

However, it's a good idea to review your translation outside Studio anyway. The different interface can help you spot typos.

We still collaborate and they shoot, time to time, track changes, so I can see what the possible improvements are (they have very good editors, in my opinion). I see it as a win-win situation. Our work is edited anyway. So, no extra effort to just share it?

I refer to this kind of feedback, so it helps us to implement improvements.


Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
Member (2014)
English to Spanish
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Is it really "less work"? Oct 29, 2014

Josephine Cassar wrote:

A job consisting of 8000 words, deadline is comfortable, so no complaints there, but with these reductions:
101% - 137
100% - 68
No match-5271
Total payment expected €212.57, which works out at €0.0265 per word. Thanks, no thanks, but someone must have accepted these rates, together with the responsibility and refused other jobs. Besides, this was from a company that has a lot of 5s in the BB entries, though there were some complaints about late payments.
Concerning feedback, I meant when one has not received any complaints or comments that the text needs reviewing. Taking feedback in a positive way always helps one develop or see alternatives one might not have considered, too.

[Edited at 2014-10-29 15:37 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-10-29 15:37 GMT]

Take a typical 75% match. I have a feeling that it takes me the same amount of time to actually "fix" the segment; I could have well translated it from scratch. Even 99% of matches require some attention.

I hate percentages. You cannot say, I presume: Oh, Jonas Kaufmann sang today with 83% of his voice. His passaggio notes were 93% clean. The resonance was at 89%. we do not measure classical singing in percentages. Why should we do it with translation? I think it has healthy share of creativity to it too.

LilianNekipelov  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:55
Russian to English
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Yes, exactly. Oct 29, 2014

No tight deadlines, no fuzzies, CATS and repetitions mentioned, ever.

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:55
Chinese to English
Customer feedback Oct 29, 2014

Merab Dekano wrote:

I mean, it is may be a small detail, but it would be nice to have regular, constructive and honest feedback from our customers (with track changes).

Thanks, Merab, this is a really good point, and maybe not such a small thing.

If a customer understands that translation is a human process, that they can interact with us, and that translations can change over time, then the customer is likely to work well with us. It's all part of seeing translation as a profession, not a commodity. It's also what will continue to differentiate us from machine translation.

Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
Member (2014)
English to Spanish
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Could not agree more Oct 29, 2014

Phil Hand wrote:

It's also what will continue to differentiate us from machine translation.

Could not agree more, Phil.

Bernhard Sulzer
Bernhard Sulzer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:55
English to German
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2 ideal conditions Oct 29, 2014

Clients who know that professional translators supply quality translations and therefore pay adequate and fair rates.
Colleagues who know what it means to be a professional translator.

[Edited at 2014-10-29 21:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-10-29 21:51 GMT]

Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
Member (2014)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks Oct 31, 2014

Giles Watson wrote:

You can activate the MS Word spell checker in Trados Studio 2014

Thank you very much, Giles. I just did it and it worked.

I always thought I should have done that training on Trados Studio. Will consider signing up.

Preston Decker
Preston Decker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:55
Chinese to English
Another addition Nov 2, 2014

Phil Hand wrote:

2) The agency (if any). The agency acts as coordinator, technical support and clearing house for information. It converts files into appropriate formats, handles diagrams and other formatting issues. It offers technical resources and puts translators in touch with the right people.

I'd add 'Always turns down projects outside their areas of expertise (or outsources these to more knowledgeable/qualified translators)' for both agencies and translators.

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