WFC F1, F2, F3
Thread poster: Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:36
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Dec 8, 2018

G'day everyone

Does F1, F2 and F3 on the Edit Term dialog still have any effect in WFC 6/7? I see on a WFC lecture from 2010 that it was possible to type e.g. {date} or {user} in those fields, and then WFC would add the date/time or user ID into those fields in the glossary itself, but I tried that with WFC 6.03t and it only adds the literal text "{date}" or "{user}" to the glossary. Also, my version of WFC does not remember the entry -- I have to enter it each time I enter a new
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G'day everyone

Does F1, F2 and F3 on the Edit Term dialog still have any effect in WFC 6/7? I see on a WFC lecture from 2010 that it was possible to type e.g. {date} or {user} in those fields, and then WFC would add the date/time or user ID into those fields in the glossary itself, but I tried that with WFC 6.03t and it only adds the literal text "{date}" or "{user}" to the glossary. Also, my version of WFC does not remember the entry -- I have to enter it each time I enter a new term.

Was this feature ever more advanced than it currently is? Is there a way to let WFC add such things as date/time and user ID to glossary entries without manually entering it each time?


Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:36
English to French
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Works here Dec 8, 2018

It's all done in PB.

For example, I use this (with 3 glossaries):


I use project-specific stuff in Field 2, which I have to change manually for each project, also in PB.

This has never stopped working throughout the versions, although I see it is no longer
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It's all done in PB.

For example, I use this (with 3 glossaries):


I use project-specific stuff in Field 2, which I have to change manually for each project, also in PB.

This has never stopped working throughout the versions, although I see it is no longer is referenced in the latest (7.23) User Manual.

Actually, the current User Manual states (partial copy, for illustration only):

---- Start quote from User Manual -------
You can also enforce a glossary-wide, unconditional "Lock target case" by checking that same checkbox in the Terminology > Glossary setup. That glossary-level setting supersedes the entry-level setting. However, it is not a recommended setting.

The Terminology addition dialog box has three Fields that are made to receive codes or special mentions that do not belong in "Source entry", "Target entry", or "Comment" fields.
Many translators add their own codes to glossary entries so they can later sort glossaries and extract selected terms.

For example, if you work on a project for a certain client, you may wish to add a client code to each glossary entry you create for this client, so that later you may distinguish them from other entries.

Since entering these codes is usually a repetitive task, two automatic features are added here:

1. Enter text in a "field" area. Right-click the "Field" caption right before the textbox. WFC will ask you whether you want to have this text be entered by default every time you will enter new terms and see this dialog box pop up again .
2. Enter special codes that will automatically be replaced with certain values when you validate the new entry. These codes are:

Code Meaning
{Doc} The current document's name
{Today} The current date
{Today=yymmdd} The current date, formatted as you specify, where:
yy is the year in two digits;
yyyy is the year in four digits;
mm is the month in two digits;
mmm is the month's abbreviated name;
mmmm is the month's full name;
dd is the day of the month in two digits;
ddd is the weekday's abbreviated name;
dddd is the weekday's full name.
{TM} The name of the TM currently in use
{User} The current user's initials
{SrcLang} The current source language TMX code
{TrgLang} The current target language TMX code
{SrcTerm} The term currently in the "Source" textbox
{TrgTerm} The term currently in the "Target" textbox
------End quote from User Manual -------

I suppose my example may be deprecated.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:36
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Jean Dec 9, 2018

Jean Lachaud wrote:
It's all done in PB.

That's what I thought.


Do you happen to know if there is a code for hours, minutes and seconds (and perhaps also AM/PM)? My guess is that WFC gets these codes from somewhere inside MS Word, so there may well be codes for hours, minutes, seconds, etc.

"ttttt" gets me "12:00:00 AM" but h, n, and s gets me zeroes only.

Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:36
English to French
+ ...
Only date, it seems Dec 9, 2018

Using the info on this page (, I tried Glossary2Field3={today=ddMMMyy mm:ss tt}

No joy. It only returns 09Dec18. Obviously, inserting the time is, unsurprisingly, not implemented, since no time code is listed in the WfC manual table
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Using the info on this page (, I tried Glossary2Field3={today=ddMMMyy mm:ss tt}

No joy. It only returns 09Dec18. Obviously, inserting the time is, unsurprisingly, not implemented, since no time code is listed in the WfC manual table I copied yesterday.


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WFC F1, F2, F3

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