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Poll: Do you translate rhyme/poetry?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
May 7, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you translate rhyme/poetry?".

This poll was originally submitted by phoeberuth. View the poll results »

Local time: 05:19
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other May 7, 2012

I have done occasionally, but I don't really enjoy doing arty stuff because it takes much longer - and calls for more thought - than most of the texts I work with, which tend to be straightforward or merely technical.

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:19
German to English
+ ...
Likewise, other May 7, 2012

I have done, but normally when it's included in a longer text. I'm not sure I would take on work that was purely poetry ...

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
No, I avoid it May 7, 2012


To tell the truth, I would, if I could
If I had this amazing talent
But, I'm a troll in a Proz poll
In which I brazenly rant

Given an inch and an incling
I'd give rein to my skills, and follow
By lending pent up rage to my pen.
But I answered "No". What a bitter pill to swallow!

Gennady Lapardin
Gennady Lapardin  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 06:19
Italian to Russian
+ ...
No May 7, 2012

because there are real talents, like "Sarah Binks".

"an almost perfect translation, but in the case of the Lorelei, Sarah makes the easily understandable mistake of translating "Lorelei" as "laurel's egg" instead of "Laura's Eye."

Here now is Sarah's translation of [Heinrich] Heine's Die Lorelei

The Laurel's Egg

I know not what shall it betoken
that I so sorrowful seem.
A marklet from out of old, spoken,
that comes me not out
... See more
because there are real talents, like "Sarah Binks".

"an almost perfect translation, but in the case of the Lorelei, Sarah makes the easily understandable mistake of translating "Lorelei" as "laurel's egg" instead of "Laura's Eye."

Here now is Sarah's translation of [Heinrich] Heine's Die Lorelei

The Laurel's Egg

I know not what shall it betoken
that I so sorrowful seem.
A marklet from out of old, spoken,
that comes me not out of the bean.
Unzip: here is the play between word meaning and pronunciation of the name of the nymph Lorelei. German word "die Ei = the egg" and German pronunciation "ei = [ai]". Actually, Lorelei means "small Laurel".

[Edited at 2012-05-07 09:15 GMT]

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:19
Member (2009)
English to German
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Yes. May 7, 2012

And I do enjoy it very much.

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:19
German to English
+ ...
No May 7, 2012

but I did once for my kid's friends make a singable rhyming and reasonably amusing ranslation of teh chorus of Flanders and Swann's Hippopotamus into German.

Amandine Added
Amandine Added  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:19
Member (2010)
English to French
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I'd love too but .... May 7, 2012

Let's be honest, I would love to be able to translate poetry but with a legal background and 10 years spent drafting contracts and other legal or financial documents in French I think I do not have the "talent" to as said Gennady.
However, I try to translate some poems from time to time as it's a good translation exercise: you need to let your mind wonders and really research the vocabulary and cultures differences.

Veronica Lupascu
Veronica Lupascu  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:19
Dutch to Romanian
+ ...
Yes, but I don't like it and I avoid it May 7, 2012

I translated poetry during my student years and actually won a prize at an international conference, but I definitely didn't enjoy the work and I have no idea how I won the prize

I also translated poems included in larger texts. I advised my client to let the poems be translated or at least revised by somebody with more talent/experience than me.

I used to write poetry and was considered (also considere
... See more
I translated poetry during my student years and actually won a prize at an international conference, but I definitely didn't enjoy the work and I have no idea how I won the prize

I also translated poems included in larger texts. I advised my client to let the poems be translated or at least revised by somebody with more talent/experience than me.

I used to write poetry and was considered (also considered myself) quite good at that, till I met some REAL poets and understood that I don't really have much to say in poems.

Now my priorities are to deliver quality and to be productive. Translating poetry would mean the opposite. It takes a lot of time and there are definitely people with much more talent than me out there, that can produce better quality than me. Leave it to the professionals.

Marlene Blanshay
Marlene Blanshay  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:19
Member (2009)
French to English
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no way May 7, 2012

I love poetry, was an english major in university, but no way would I translate it. I just know I wouldn't be able to do it the way it should be done.

Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:19
Portuguese to English
+ ...
I'm in the minority May 7, 2012

Yes, I do translate poetry and song lyrics and I love it. I find it creative and challenging. As a writer, poet and lyricist myself, I do believe I have a talent for it. So glad most respondents say they don't like/do it...more for me!

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:19
Member (2006)
German to English
nope May 7, 2012

and would not touch it with a barge pole

Samantha Payn
Samantha Payn  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:19
Member (2008)
Russian to English
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I enjoy the challenge, too! May 7, 2012

I'll join you in the minority, Amy! We're not competing on language, anyway

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Eser Perkins
Eser Perkins  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:19
English to Turkish
+ ...
Yes... May 7, 2012

...and it is both fun and challenging.

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