Tribute to my Master on this August 24
Thread poster: Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
English to Spanish
+ ...
Aug 24, 2005

Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires on August 24, 1899 and died in Geneva in 1986. (Some people object the second verb of the previous sentence, though.)

Big birthday kiss from Buenos Aires to Geneva, my Master!

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Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires on August 24, 1899 and died in Geneva in 1986. (Some people object the second verb of the previous sentence, though.)

Big birthday kiss from Buenos Aires to Geneva, my Master!



Whoever embraces a woman is Adam. The woman is Eve.
Everything happens for the first time.
I saw something white in the sky. They tell me it is the moon, but What can I do with a word and a mythology.
Trees frighten me a little. They are so beautiful.
The calm animals come closer so that I may tell them their names.
The books in the library have no letters. They spring forth when I open them.
Leafing through the atlas I project the shape of Sumatra.
Whoever lights a match in the dark is inventing fire.
Inside the mirror an Other waits in ambush.
Whoever looks at the ocean sees England.
Whoever utters a line of Liliencron has entered into battle.
I have dreamed Carthage and the legions that destroyed Carthage.
I have dreamed the sword and the scale.
Praise be the love wherein there is no possessor and no possessed, but both surrender.
Praise be the nightmare, which reveals to us that we have the power to Create hell.
Whoever goes down to a river goes down to the Ganges.
Whoever looks at an hourglass sees the dissolution of an empire.
Whoever plays with a dagger foretells the death of Caesar.
Whoever dreams is every human being.
In the dessert I saw the young Sphinx, which has just been sculpted.
There is nothing else so ancient under the sun.
Everything happens for the first time, but in a way that is eternal.
Whoever reads my words is inventing them.

Jorge Luis Borges
(unfortunately, I don't know who the translator is)

Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:38
+ ...
This moment... Aug 31, 2005

Or as the Incredible String Band once put it:

"This moment is different from any before it,
This moment it is different, it is now!"

Seriously though Ms Dawn, After seeing this, I know I'll have to read Borges. I am ashamed to admit I have not read any of his poetry before today!

Love and Peace,


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
English to Spanish
+ ...
Never too late to meet Him Sep 4, 2005

Berni Armstrong wrote:

Seriously though Ms Dawn, After seeing this, I know I'll have to read Borges. I am ashamed to admit I have not read any of his poetry before today!

Love and Peace,


If you can buy any of his books, try to get the ones translated by Norman Di Giovani who moved to Buenos Aires and translated 'together with Borges'. He lived here for 6 years and I feel (I cannot use the verb 'think' because I am not a native, so my words have more to do with feeling than with knowing) that his translations (into English) are the best ones.

Welcome to Borges world!


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
English to Spanish
+ ...
For Berni Sep 11, 2005

I am

I am he who knows himself no less vain
than the vain looker-on who in the mirror
of glass and silence follows the reflection
or body (it's the same thing) of his brother.
I am, my silent friends, the one who knows
there is no other pardon or revenge
than sheer oblivion. A god has granted
this odd solution to all human hates.
Despite my many wondrous wanderings,
I am the one who never has unraveled
the labyrinth of time
... See more
I am

I am he who knows himself no less vain
than the vain looker-on who in the mirror
of glass and silence follows the reflection
or body (it's the same thing) of his brother.
I am, my silent friends, the one who knows
there is no other pardon or revenge
than sheer oblivion. A god has granted
this odd solution to all human hates.
Despite my many wondrous wanderings,
I am the one who never has unraveled
the labyrinth of time, singular, plural,
grueling, strange, one's own and everyone's.
I am no one. I did not wield a sword
in battle. I am echo, emptiness, nothing.

Jorge Luis Borges & Norman Di Giovanni


Soy el que sabe que no es menos vano
Que el vano observador que en el espejo
De silencio y cristal sigue el reflejo
O el cuerpo (da lo mismo) del hermano.
Soy, tacitos amigos, el que sabe
Que no hay otra venganza que el olvido
Ni otro perdon. Un dios ha concedido
Al odio humano esta curiosa llave.
Soy el que pese a tan ilustres modos
De errar, no ha descifrado el laberinto
Singular y plural, arduo y distinto,
Del tiempo, que es de uno y es de todos.
Soy el que es nadie, el que no fue una espada
En la guerra. Soy eco, olvido, nada.


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
English to Spanish
+ ...
More Borges Sep 11, 2005

The Analytical Language of John Wilkins

These ambiguities, redundancies and deficiencies remind us of those which Dr. Franz Kuhn attributes to a certain Chinese encyclopedia entitled The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. In its remote pages it is written that the animals are divided into:

a. belonging to the Emperor
b. embalmed
c. trained
d. pigs
e. sirens
f. fabulous
g. stray dogs
h. included in thi
... See more
The Analytical Language of John Wilkins

These ambiguities, redundancies and deficiencies remind us of those which Dr. Franz Kuhn attributes to a certain Chinese encyclopedia entitled The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. In its remote pages it is written that the animals are divided into:

a. belonging to the Emperor
b. embalmed
c. trained
d. pigs
e. sirens
f. fabulous
g. stray dogs
h. included in this classification
i. trembling like crazy
j. innumerable
k. drawn with a very fine camelhair brush
l. et cetera
m. just broke the vase
n. from a distance look like flies

Jorge Luis Borges

The complete article (bilingual)


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Tribute to my Master on this August 24

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