Powwow Report for Alemania - Hohen Neuendorf (Oberhavel/Brandenburg) (Mar 26 2009)

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Report from  Kevin Lossner
The Oberhaveler Stammtisch powwow met last night Hohen Neuendorf, Germany with five attendees at the Vinoteca Positano near the city rail station for the S1 and S8 lines. The language of the evening was <b>German</b>. Most of those gathered began their studies and careers in fields other than translation, such as international relations, civil engineering, chemistry and biochemical research; the working languages represented were English, German and Russian. <a href="http://quodians.nl/nieuws/230209.jpg">Quodians Aristos</a> provided security and entertainment services. I greatly enjoyed meeting two new colleagues, one of whom I have had contact with occasionally for a few years but never met personally until last night. And I was pleased to meet another chemist/translator with solid research experience whom I can recommend for the other direction of my language pair. That's been missing for a long time.

By request of the attendees, another get-together will be planned, probably at the same place on Thursday April 30th around 5 pm, at which I can report on the trip to the MemoQ Fest 2009 in Budapest and current developments on the CAT scene. Watch the ProZ powwow list for schedule information and related announcements.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Kevin Lossner
Monique Simmer
Caroline Bentley
Dr. Cornelia Schmutzler
Heidrun Pagel (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Mar 27 '09  Heidrun Pagel (X): Danke, Kevin
Das Treffen war sehr nett und informativ, und auch ich freue mich auf das nächste Mal
Mar 26 '09  Kevin Lossner: Bis zum nächsten Mal!
Das war sehr schön, die Teilnehmer heute Abend kennen zu lernen, und ich freue mich auf nächstes Mal!