Powwow Report for أسبانيا - Madrid (Apr 20 2018)

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Report from  Elena Bailey
For the 2nd Madrid Powwow we focussed on marketing ideas for our translation and interpreting businesses, covering:
- The pros/cons of a personal or business website and professional email. Sites/companies that we have used to set up websites.
- Membership to professional associations such as Proz.com and ASETRAD
- What has worked for us in the past, or what we have tried (email marketing, mailings, going to trade fairs, networking with other translators, reaching out to clients who haven't contacted in a while, etc.)
- We also mentioned the new GDPR rules and setting up a client directory to help manage marketing activities.

We have set a date for the next Powwow, which will be on 21/05/2018 at 19:00 (location TBC, but it will be somewhere central). Some ideas for the next Powwow are:
- How to work more efficiently (e.g. using software, tools, methods, project management ideas, etc.)
- Approaching/gaining new clients
- Rates and accounting

Hope to see you all again next time!

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Marcus Coombs
Ismet Yarci
Nick Harding
Elena Bailey
Robin Munby

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 15 '18  Isamar: Hi everyone,
I don\'t think that I\'m going to be able to make it this time, but please keep my posted about the next one as I\'d like to attend as many as possible. Monique
May 15 '18  Elena Bailey: Next Madrid Powwow - Monday 21/05 19:00
Hi guys,
The next powwow page is now up if you are interested:
Hope to see you there!
Best regards,