Czech Spelling and Grammar
Thread poster: Michaela Bordessoule
Michaela Bordessoule
Michaela Bordessoule
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:30
English to Czech
+ ...
Nov 13, 2007

What setting do I have to choose in Microsoft Office Word 2007 to perform Spelling and Grammar check in Czech?

Ivana Andersen Kapustova
Ivana Andersen Kapustova  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
English to Slovak
+ ...
Language pack for word 2007 Nov 13, 2007

Dear Michaela,

if you do not have a spell-checker in Word 2007, you will probably need to buy a language pack. You can check this out on the following webpages:

See more
Dear Michaela,

if you do not have a spell-checker in Word 2007, you will probably need to buy a language pack. You can check this out on the following webpages:


Michaela Bordessoule
Michaela Bordessoule
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:30
English to Czech
+ ...
CzechProof Nov 13, 2007

Thanks for the answer. Good one.
Related question - Czech Proof software worked with previous versions of Microsoft Office, but not with 2007 version. Is it question of wrong installation, incompatibility or something else?

Pavel Blann
Pavel Blann  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 09:30
English to Czech
that is... Nov 13, 2007

...a good question for the maker of the czech proof software -- what company is it, btw?


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Czech Spelling and Grammar

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