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Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia
EmaTomovic Serbia Local time: 23:37 English to Serbian + ...
I would like to meet other interpreters and exchange experience | | |
RominaZ Argentina English to Spanish + ... Organizing this event? | Feb 27, 2007 |
My name is Romina and I'm part of's Staff. One of my tasks deals with providing support to powwows.
I was wondering if anybody would be interested in organizing this event. I'll help you do it. Please contact me at [email protected].
Romina | | |
RominaZ Argentina English to Spanish + ...
Also, the date can be changed at your convenience.
Romina | |
RominaZ Argentina English to Spanish + ... Propose a venue | Mar 5, 2007 |
Dear all,
I'd like to know if those who live in Belgrado can propose a place and the time to meet. The date can also be changed if you want.
Romina | | |
EmaTomovic Serbia Local time: 23:37 English to Serbian + ... Meeting place | Mar 5, 2007 |
I would like to suggest the meeting place - at SAVA Congress center. It is a nice place to meet, enough space and easy to come to | | |
EmaTomovic Serbia Local time: 23:37 English to Serbian + ...
31st March will be more suitable date as the Easter starts on Friday 6th April and Many of us shall be travelling for Easter holidays | | |
Meeting date | Mar 10, 2007 |
I agree with Ema. However, the time may be too tight for booking the venue. | |
a restaurant is a far better place | Mar 14, 2007 |
It is really not necessary to organize this informal meeting in a congress hall that can take hundreds or thousands of attendees. A cozy restaurant would be a far more appropriate place.
We already had a powwow in Belgrade (Serbian: Beograd; Spanish: Belgrado) back in Dec 2001, see
Our country was still ca... See more It is really not necessary to organize this informal meeting in a congress hall that can take hundreds or thousands of attendees. A cozy restaurant would be a far more appropriate place.
We already had a powwow in Belgrade (Serbian: Beograd; Spanish: Belgrado) back in Dec 2001, see
Our country was still called Yugoslavia then, but I see that now it is not listed in the list of powwow countries. Maybe it's because nobody made a report about the event...
Btw, will the event proposer also attend this meeting? It would be very nice to meet a Proz site staff member. ▲ Collapse | | |
RominaZ Argentina English to Spanish + ... I'd love to attend but... | Mar 14, 2007 |
Dear all,
I'd love to attend but I'm too far Argentina. Anyway, I'm trying to help with this event. Is anybody interested in being the organizer? That is deciding the date, the time and the place. Please let me know. | | |
Yeah, let's just go for coffee! | Mar 16, 2007 |
Well, we have to start somewhere, and this is usually a good start in Serbia! I agree, I don't think we need the Sava Centar just yet. | | |
Sava center etc. | Mar 19, 2007 |
Sava center also has a lot of smaller conference rooms (about 20-50 places) and it has VERY GOOD possibility to park ... i do not want even to think about that anywhere in center of Belgrade | |
organizacija, mesto ... | Mar 19, 2007 |
pošto se do sad još niko nije javio za organizatora ... koliko bi vas prihvatilo sastanak ako bi se održao negde van BG ... npr. KG NI ?
Da ne zatrpavamo ovo ovde, može i poruka na moj proz nalog ili direktno na [email protected] | | |
Jeli to sve stvarno? Onda, gde i kad se vidimo? Mislim... | | |
Zeleni Venac? | Mar 20, 2007 |
Ja bih u BGu i u nekoj kafiću. Ne razumem što vi trebao da organiziramo nešto u Savi Centru. Na kraj krajeva, biće nešto skroz opusteno. Onda, moja sugestija: dok smo "samo" 15 - 20, možemo u Casa García, na Zeleni Vencu. Ako smo više, menjaćemo lokacija. Jeste za ili protiv? | | |
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