The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Es un honor poder contar con su confianza (coletilla) We value your trust
Entered by: EirTranslations
es una palabra surgida de la convención it is a word that gained currency as a result of frequent use
Escala ocupacional ocupational scale
escarbar en / revolver la basura (en busca de comida) to scavenge for food in the dump
esclavista slaveholding
Escuela monista y policualista Monistic and pluralistic school
Escuela piloto de tiempo completo full-time experimental school
Escuelas cuna nursery schools
Entered by: Jeran Richardson
espacio de contención somewhere they can feel safe/provides a stable environment
Entered by: Marian Vieyra
espacios de discusión space for discussion
especies homo A number of precursors of homo sapiens...
Esta redefinición histórica de la eficiencia por los poderes fácticos responde a This historical redefinition of efficiency by the institutional authorities obeys to the fact that...
establecer instancias de traspaso establish vehicles for transmitting (it)
Estadía de investigación Research stay
estado de plenitud de recursos state of full resourcefulness
estado del arte del dolor state of the art pain management in physical therapy
Estados de bienestar contemporáneos contemporary welfare states
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
estaos estadios
estatismo state control/statism
este debate pone en el ojo del huracan this debate places (...) in the eye of the storm
Este modo de entender la gestion de la diversidad this interpretation of diversity management
estimación de precierre pre-closing estimate
estrategias de proximidad hands-on/grass roots strategies
Estrechar los lazos to Strengthen Family Ties
estudio sociabilizador (aimed at) the social integration of....
europeísta Europeist
Evaluación intermedia del voluntario de acogida intermediate evaluation of welcoming vonlunteers
exhibición installment / payment
expansiones no regladas free time
expectativa de vida al nacer life expectancy at birth
Experiencias puntuales specific/ particular experiences
expresar mi apreciación personal my personal view is
extendido widespread
extensionismo Outreach activities
Extranjería o Penitenciario involuntary hospitalization that may occur as a result of domestic violence, immigration procedures*
Facilitar y viabilizar coordinadamente To provide and ensure the feasibility of ... in a coordinated manner
factores adscriptivos ascriptive factors
Familia carenciada deprived, needy, disadvantaged
familia ensamblada stepfamily, blended family, step family
familia sencilla modest family
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