Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:


English translation:

showdowns [between ringleaders]

Added to glossary by translato
Jun 26, 2011 04:30
13 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Other History criminal
Постановочные «разборки авторитетов» и «закатывание в бетон неугодных» вызвали неподдельный восторг у гостей.

The guests went into raptures over the staged ‘showdown’ and ‘rolling in concrete’.

(Topic: the 1920s gangster party)


Michael Korovkin Jun 26, 2011:
No peace I find! It's a narrative ABOUT staging events ABOUT the twenties, not FROM the twenities. So, you mean that if somebody wrote “Артур вставил сынку Морганы по девятой усиленной статье“, I must translate it like ..." caused Lady Morgana's sonne (sic!) a rather great Unplesantry"?

Proposed translations

8 hrs
Russian term (edited): разборки [авторитетов]

showdowns [between ringleaders]

Краткие англоязычные толкования из словаря русской уголовной лексики
"Glossary of the Russian Comrade Criminal" by Stephen Handelman (1995):
разборка = settling of accounts/judgment, often violent
авторитет = leader of one of the new commercial-oriented mafia groups
Там же есть близкие по смыслу слова (не синонимы!):
пахан = chief of band; crime boss (аналог "авторитета" в старой уголовной традиции)
стрелка = council or appointment (как правило, мирное "совещание" авторитетов для "решения вопросов", хотя и может вылиться в "разборку")

Определения английских эквивалентов [The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed.(2009)]:
ringleader = person who leads others, especially in illicit or informal activities
showdown = event, especially a confrontation, that forces an issue to a conclusion

Пояснения к переводу (смысловые нюансы):
1. Поскольку разборки хотя и часто, но не всегда(!) доходят до насилия, "showdown" - наиболее близкий эквивалент "settling of accounts/judgment, often violent" в смысле "выяснение отношений, разрешение спорных вопросов" [a showdown "forces(!) an issue to a conclusion"])
2. Слово "ringleader", как и "авторитет" (в отличие от "пахана"), допускает не только уголовное толкование, см.

Дополнительные пояснения:
Так как в случае насилия возможны любые варианты, напр.
hand-to-hand fighting, fist fighting = рукопашная
shootout = fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten = перестрелка
knife fighting = поножовщина
ни одно из этих слов не является полностью адекватным переводом понятия "разборка"
Любое из этих слов годится, если из контекста ясно, что при "постановочной" силовой разборке применялся только соответствующий "метод"

Хотя слово
brawl = noisy quarrel or fight
объединяет все эти виды силовых разборок, но имеет коннотацию внезапности/спонтанности; поэтому как перевод годится скорее в случае разборки между рядовыми бандитами
"The city's ban on smoking in public places sparked a bloody brawl between mobsters from rival gangs that left one wiseguy permanently brain-damaged and another facing up to 15 years in prison"
war = outbreak of violence between different Mafia families, often brought on when one family wants to control another families financial activities [Mafia Glossary]
имеет более широкий смысл: в отличие от "разборки" (единовременного события), "war" - как правило, растянутая во времени серия разборок, налетов и т.п.
turf war ~ "between street gangs and organized crime for control of a particular area, especially to control the rackets"
Она может включать в себя оперативное, тактическое и даже "стратегическое" планирование
Пример - войны между мексиканскими наркокартелями, см.
Таким образом, "war" не может быть сюжетом "постановочной разборки авторитетов"

Описание showdown (разборки) между мафиозными авторитетами есть в Вики-статье "Rudaj Organization" (раздел "Federal Prosecution"):
"In court, jurors heard evidence of a gangland showdown between Rudaj [boss of the Albanian mafia's Rudaj Organization] and a leader of the Gambino crime family... Gambino leader Arnold Squitieri had had enough and wanted a talk with these rogue mobsters... According to undercover FBI agent..., Squitieri told Rudaj that the fun was over and that they should stop expanding their operations. The Albanians and Gambinos then pulled out their weapons. Knowing they were outnumbered, the Albanians threatened to blow up the gas station with all of them in it. This ended the discussion, and both groups pulled back."
Это наглядный пример случая, когда разборка могла легко перейти в "силовую" форму, но до крови так и не дошло

Note added at 10 час (2011-06-26 15:13:27 GMT)

1. В контексте 20-х годов допустимо "авторитет" = boss = top level of a crime family
Правда, здесь диссонанс между современным словом "авторитет", вошедшим в русский язык в постсоветскую эпоху, и значительно более ранним контекстом (20-е годы)
2 (не имеет прямого отношения к вопросу). "стрелка" = "совещание" (council), но чаще употребляется в смысле "назначенная встреча" (appointment)

Note added at 11 час (2011-06-26 16:20:18 GMT)

1. Возвращаясь к выбору между ringleader и boss:
Отметим, что американские "боссы" преступного мира 20-х годов были именно "авторитетами" в смысле "commercial-oriented mafia leaders", т.к. их преступления в первую очередь были связаны с бутлегерством и контролем над подпольной торговлей спиртным, а не посягательствами на законопослушных граждан
2. Пример "showdown" = "разборка" в контексте 20-х гг.:
"Roger Corman produced this graphically violent chronicle of the Chicago gangster wars of the 1920s, the events that lead to the bloody showdown between rival mobsters that effectively marked an end to a terrifying era and the lives affected and in some cases ended by it."
3. Пример перевода "разборка = showdown" в тексте о "commercial-oriented" оргпреступности в России 1990-х:
"Likewise, strelka will be immediately set if one of the sides failed or refused to fulfil its obligations. The outcome may be either a peaceful solution as to how the damage will be repaired or a violent showdown (razborka)."

Соответственно, учитывая "постановочность" разборок в контексте, предложенный перевод можно подкорректировать:
разборки [авторитетов] -> violent showdowns [between ringleaders]
Peer comment(s):

agree Leigh Mosley
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Just to the point! Thanks!"
1 hr


A shootout is a term used to describe a gun battle in which one or more parties shoots one or more guns at each other or at other people or things.

The circumstances surrounding a shootout can vary significantly. Wars are perhaps the most common venue for gun battles, but a shootout can also occur on city streets in the form of drive-by shootings, gang-related violence, or clashes between the police and a criminal. Shootouts have also been known to happen during hostage situations, school shootings — in which, very often, the battle is one-sided, with gunmen shooting at unarmed students or faculty — standoffs, bank robberies, and so on.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


TNA is hinting at a meltdown between Mafia leaders Angle and Sting after Sting retained the TNA World Title last night. Perhaps the third time in seven days will be the charm to advance the storyline.

Salmond has a point that there may be an acceptable middle ground but Labour are terrified as usual, hence the rammy and meltdown between the Scottish people and the westminster mafia.
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2 hrs

gangsta shotcaller(s)/bigballer(s) hasslements

contemporary urban jive
Peer comment(s):

agree Katerina O.
3 hrs
thanks Katerina!
disagree James Fite : 'Gangsta' was not in use in the 1920s, nor would it be appropriate to use that term to describe gang/mob activities in the 20s.
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

rival gang wars (mob in-fighting)

Peer comment(s):

agree James Fite
3 hrs
Thank you, James!
agree LanaUK : mob war/gang war
7 hrs
Thank you, Svetlana!
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

settling of accounts

... genuine delight at skits that featured the settling of accounts among kingpins and fitting of concrete overcoats ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Leigh Mosley : nice!
2 hrs
Thanks, Leigh.
agree cyhul
11 hrs
Thank you.
agree Piotrnikitin
17 hrs
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
16 hrs
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