Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

tono maquillaje

English translation:


Added to glossary by Lucy Williams
Aug 14, 2015 10:43
9 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Spanish term

tono maquillaje

Spanish to English Other Textiles / Clothing / Fashion Handbags
I'm not sure how to phrase this. It's not nude, as that comes up as "nude" in other sections. Need a bit of inspiration!

Bolso en color burdeos
Modelo "XXX".
Asa de mano y asa larga para llevar al hombro.
Detalle de estrellas en **tono maquillaje**



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Lisa McCarthy Aug 22, 2015:
@ Jude If your answer was 'very correct" as you say, then why didn't anybody agree with your answer and why wasn't it chosen by the asker??
jude dabo Aug 22, 2015:
So, you are able to present no evidence -- none at all -- that your "translation" is valid, yet you continue to insist it is correct?

I need make no further comment; your position says it all!

jude dabo Aug 19, 2015:
jude dabo Aug 19, 2015:
@IZABEL: ALTHOUGH is the word! REDECORATED too.Sorry about that.Key board problem. Thought you could figure it out.
Jude96 And what do you mean by "I though you can"?

"a tono Expresión que indica que una cosa está en correspondencia con otra o de acuerdo con ella: lleva los zapatos a tono con el bolso.
darse tono Darse importancia o presumir de algo.
de buen (o mal) tono Que es propio de las cosas que se consideran de buen gusto y distinguidas o de mal gusto y sin distinción.
fuera de tono Expresión que indica que una cosa está fuera de lugar o es inoportuna: tu respuesta está fuera de tono.
subido de tono Expresión que indica que una palabra o un comentario es una grosería o una obscenidad: un chiste subido de tono.
subir de tono Hacerse más fuerte o violento: la conversación subió de tono y acabó en una pelea.
Diccionario Manual de la Lengua Española Vox. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
m. Grado de elevación de un sonido.
Modo particular de decir algo.
Carácter del estilo de una obra literaria.
Grado normal de vigor o tensión.
Energía, vigor, fuerza.
Vigor y relieve de una pintura.
A tono. loc. adv. Al unísono.
Dar el tono.fig. Dar la norma, el estilo.
Darse tono. Darse importancia.
De buen o mal tono. De buen o mal gusto."

None of this is applicable to the case at hand:

"en tono maquillaje".

Still waiting...
...for a credible example of "a fashion tone up" as well as for "as a tone up fashion".

Details detail noun (INFORMATION)

B1 [C] a single piece of information or fact about something:
She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.
We don't know the full/precise details of the story yet.
She refused to disclose/divulge any details about/of the plan.
details [plural] (Cambridge)

Jude69 And what, pray tell, is "redocoration"?
Need help, Lisa?

Hysteria can be hazardous to your health!

Maybe you should try breathing more SHALLOWLY!!!!

Lisa McCarthy Aug 18, 2015:
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) My ribs hurt!!
What dictionary gives "detailes" as the plural of "detail"?

What dictionary defines "tone up" as anything other than an exercise-related verb?

What dictionary lists "tone up" as a noun?

Evidence, please.
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
I though you can use details or detailes.No mistake!
Still awaiting credible examples of "a fashion tone up" and "as a tone up fashion".

One, just one, credible example of each -- or either -- will do.

"Credible" means text from a respectable English-language site.
You're using the URL ""

to support your misspelling of the word "details"?

I requested relevant examples that would support your contention that "a fashion tone up" is a valid term.

What you've posted proves the point that everyone else here understands: "tone up" refers to exercise, not fashion.

And my name is NOT Isabel.
Lisa McCarthy Aug 18, 2015:
@ Jude The reference you provided by 'Beavitt' (and Butthead?) is a terrible translation into English and is therefore useless. And anyway, they are referring to toning up your legs/body ("it even says "Tone up your whole body"). Do you not agree that the reference you provided is a bad translation?

TONE UP = TONIFICAR (only used in relation to your muscles/body)
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
I rest my case for now.Good luck!
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
Isabel:do you need more examples still??
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
Fashion & Fitness - Tone It Up
Traducir esta página
25 jun. 2012 - Today we have something really special for you! We teamed up with our good friend and fave fashion gal Chriselle Lim to unite fashion, fitness ...

jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
Program detailes | 2nd International Youth and Educators ...
Traducir esta página
Date: November 7, 2015. Program: Sight Seeing. 3. Date: November 8-9, 2015. Program : Post summit's activities at Cox's Bazar, the world longest beach.
Helena Chavarria Aug 18, 2015:
5 Grado de intensidad de un color: tonos rosados.

10. m. Grado de coloración.

I want to see an example of "a fashion tone up".

Exactly those words.

Oh, yes, and how about "star detailes"? I don't find that one, either.

While you're at it, provide references for "as a tone up fashion" as well.

"to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy" (MacMillan)

You made my point. The text refers to athletic shoes.
en tono azul = blue
en tono amarillo = yellow
en tono morado = purple/violet
en tono maquillaje = skin/nude/flesh/champagne

Más claro, agua
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:

Tone Up Your Whole Body in Fashion With New Balance Shoes
Posted by Beavitt
Forum List Message List New Topic
Tone Up Your Whole Body in Fashion With New Balance Shoes
June 12, 2015 11:06PM Registered: 2 months ago
Posts: 3
In the event you simply need to have a motive to comply with a balanced and active way of life then all you need to try and do should be to browse with the huge selection of athletic footwear offered by New balance minimus Athletic Shoe Inc. This dynamic firm incorporates a century-old background of creating shoe arches and diversified into speciality athletic New Balance 890 about forty years back again. The business now gives a broad selection of athletic, leisure and formal footwear beneath diverse brands names including NB, Aravon, Warrier, Brine, Dunham and PF-Flyers.

In contrast to numerous other manufacturers that offer New balance 420 sneakers in just one width, this firm offers a number of widths being aware of that no two persons possess the very same sort of feet. It is possible to therefore locate a suit that is incredibly snug as it snugly encloses your feet. When you love walking, jogging, instruction, adhering to naturel trails, or lik
jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
a tono Expresión que indica que una cosa está en correspondencia con otra o de acuerdo con ella: lleva los zapatos a tono con el bolso.
darse tono Darse importancia o presumir de algo.
de buen (o mal) tono Que es propio de las cosas que se consideran de buen gusto y distinguidas o de mal gusto y sin distinción.
fuera de tono Expresión que indica que una cosa está fuera de lugar o es inoportuna: tu respuesta está fuera de tono.
subido de tono Expresión que indica que una palabra o un comentario es una grosería o una obscenidad: un chiste subido de tono.
subir de tono Hacerse más fuerte o violento: la conversación subió de tono y acabó en una pelea.
Diccionario Manual de la Lengua Española Vox. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
m. Grado de elevación de un sonido.
Modo particular de decir algo.
Carácter del estilo de una obra literaria.
Grado normal de vigor o tensión.
Energía, vigor, fuerza.
Vigor y relieve de una pintura.
A tono. loc. adv. Al unísono.
Dar el tono.fig. Dar la norma, el estilo.
Darse tono. Darse importancia.
De buen o mal tono. De buen o mal gusto.
No such thing as a "fashion tone up". No such phrase found on the internet anywhere.

You can say "blue star on a brown bag", "red star on a black bag" or "X star on a Y bag", where X represents one color and Y another.

And champagne is a color, as I thoroughly documented below. Thus, the phrase "champagne star on a brown bag" is not only grammatical, it is also logical, while "fashion tone up" is neither.

jude dabo Aug 18, 2015:
@isabel:Hope you saw the star detail on the bag?We call that fashion tone up on a brown bag.ok?You don't say champagne star on a brown bag.Cheers!
tono = color Examples of "tono" used with colors in Spanish:

"look al detalle en tono morado intenso para ojos verdes"

"Pantalón de niña en tono azul con detalle en tono amarillo en el bajo "

"Set de collar y aretes de chaquira en color rosa con detalle en tono dorado "

"Bolso de dos asas y dos bolsillos · loneta tono arena y bolsillos en cuadro vichy naranja-blanco, detalle en tono teja"
Now, is someone going to suggest that the detail is supposed to look like a roof tile? Well, it doesn't:

"tono teja" is a color, just as "tono maquillaje" is a color.

"Sandalias para mujer Ezzio sandalia de charol en tono maquillaje con forma de "t" y tiras finas"
So, where's the "tone up" (sic) here? The patent leather is giving the shoes an extra touch?

And here?

Minivestido 60's en tono maquillaje

Where's the "tone up" (sic)?

There isn't any, for the very simple reason that "tono maquillaje" is a color, just as "tono morado", "tono azul", "tono amarillo" are all colors.

Más claro, agua.

Googled: "tone up fashion in bags"

Response: No results found for "tone up fashion in bags"

Here is an example of a "bolso con detalle de estrella".
It's a colour "Tono maquillaje" obviously refers to a color, in this case, nude, flesh or skin-coloured, often translated as "champagne". Not one native speaker I have questioned has any doubt of this, nor did the asker.

There is no mention of any "broach" or "brooch" ("a piece of jewellery with a pin on the back that you fasten to your clothes", MacMillan) in the source text.

The verb "tone up" means "to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy" (MacMillan). There is no noun form, so the phrase "tone up fashion" is incorrect from the both perspective of the definition as well as grammar.

As for "tone up", I find not even a single example anywhere of "a tone up fashion" or "tone up fashion" (ditto "a make up fashion") anywhere on the internet, except Jude's example.

The word "champagne" as a color is well-established. It is found in all major English language dictionaries, Wikipedia and in hundreds if not thousands of examples on the internet. The idea that a word of French origin cannot be used in English is invalid; ecru, mauve, beige, carmine, maroon, blue, orange, violet, vermilion, turquoise, lilac, perse, scarlet, cerise are all English color words of French origin.
Helena Chavarria Aug 18, 2015:
@jude69 I'll write here because there is more space and I would like to make a few comments:

1. What do you mean by a 'stared broach'? Do you mean 'starred brooch?

2. In this case, the Spanish word 'tono' means 'colour', which means we are indeed referring to a pinkish-beige colour.

3. You don't give a brand new handbag a 'new look'. We give new looks to something that is old or looks old fashioned.
jude dabo Aug 15, 2015:
@Elizabeth:To my mind,the entire phrase should read STAR DETAILES AS A TONE UP FASHION.Cheers.
Translation for jude69 Bag
Burgundy colour bag
Model “XXX”
Handle and shoulder strap
Champagne-coloured star detail

No makeup involved in this bag (purse).

jude dabo Aug 14, 2015:
To get a nude color involves a mixture for one or more colors.The process of same is what is called Tono;Plan;Maneras de maquillaje


Para conseguir un perfecto maquillaje nude, utiliza siempre una base de maquillaje mate para unificar tu rostro y luego aplica encima unos polvos traslúcidos para fijar el maquillaje
Lisa McCarthy Aug 14, 2015:
@ Lucy I presume you've no pic of the item in question? :)
Lisa McCarthy Aug 14, 2015:
Tono Maquillaje - here's an image of the colour This is for you, Jude!

Here's an image that shows the meaning of 'tono maquillaje':

@ Lucy, they refer to it as 'nude' or 'no-colour' is this article.
"Tono maquillaje" refers to what has traditionally been called "flesh-tone", but that translation is outdated; see my translation below.

I really don't understand the confusion. If you google "tono maquillaje" and "bolsos", "zapatos" or "vestidos", you'll see a variety of items all in various shades of a pinkish beige which is the color of white people's skin, as mentioned in my reference from The Guardian.
My daughter, 22 and raised in Spain, knew what it referred to instantly, and said that she'd call the color "skin" in English.
Of course makeup, just like skin, comes in a variety of colors, but "skin-colored" refers to only one of them, just as "tono maquillaje" does, hence the objection to its use.

Should there still be any confusion regarding the meaning of "tono maquillaje", the following should clear it up.

No makeup, no facial cleansing, just women in champagne-colored gowns.
jude dabo Aug 14, 2015: are off track again.Its not the color par se!You are confussed with the spanish.Detalle de estrellas en **tono maquillaje**en plan maquillaje!!!!!!!!!!!!ok?
Lisa McCarthy Aug 14, 2015:
Makeup comes in a variety of tones, as Phil says. Here's a list of them:
Lucy Williams (asker) Aug 14, 2015:
Yes, that's what flummoxed me. I've come across references to peach, but surely that depends on whether you have that colour skin.
philgoddard Aug 14, 2015:
Why not a literal translation?
It seems an odd thing to say, as makeup can be all sorts of colours.

Proposed translations

42 mins


I'd avoid any reference to nude, flesh-coloured or skin-coloured because it may be considered racist.

Here's a quote from a Pinterest page at

"In the U.S., the words "flesh," "nude," and "skin color" are often used to describe the skin color most associated with "white" people, a practice that erases or marginalizes people with medium and dark skin."

And here's an article on the issue:

Note added at 43 mins (2015-08-14 11:26:17 GMT)

Here's information from another forum:

Note added at 1 hr (2015-08-14 11:53:57 GMT)

If it's a pinkish-beige color, then "pink champagne" might be a good option. Google Pantone's version of the color.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : I had to look this up because I wasn't sure what champagne is as a colour, but it sounds perfect.
29 mins
Thanks, philgoddard. I actually ran into this term before, and that's how I solved it.
agree Lisa McCarthy : That's a good option, I reckon.
35 mins
Thanks, Lisa:-)
agree Helena Chavarria : Yes, a good solution!
1 hr
Thanks, Helena:-)
disagree jude dabo : no colour called champagne in english the word is champagne like colour - nude Champagne is not English .French origin!!!!
2 days 23 hrs
Champagne: "a pale orange yellow to light grayish-yellowish brown" (Merriam Webster); "A pale cream or straw colour" (Oxford); also see; as I said, Jude: NPI!!!!
agree Neil Ashby : Clear, plain English explanation. "Flesh-coloured" was the first thing that came into my mind (however like others have said, that depends on your own skin colour)....but I see it has a name in the fashion industry, !champagne!, great name!
3 days 8 hrs
Thank you kindly, Neil Ashby.
agree Taña Dalglish : Ditto, all that Phil, Lisa, Helena and Neil have already so eloquently stated. Un abrazo MUY grande.
6 days
Thanks, Taña!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Inspired choice, thanks Elizabeth!"
6 mins


This might work. Was thinking of 'beige' too, but maybe they would use that word if that is what they meant.
Note from asker:
Definitely not beige as that is also used elsewhere. Thanks for bare, I'll ponder some more.
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16 mins

tone up

tone up fashion
Peer comment(s):

disagree Lisa McCarthy : That makes no sense, Jude. It's not about a gym workout. It refers to a colour. // The term is "Detalle de estrellas en **tono maquillaje**, referring to the COLOUR"of the stars on the bag. Have you ever heard of a colour called 'tone up'??
5 mins
disagree Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales : It doesn't make sense to me, either, and no one has ever questioned whether I am a lady or not. "Tono maquillaje" is a color; see my answer. It is a description of a purse; there is no makeup or facial cleansing involved. The color is called "maquillaje".
29 mins
disagree Helena Chavarria : I never disagree with other people's suggestions but this is totally wrong. 'Tone up' is not a colour, it's a verb.
3 days 20 hrs
who told you it was a colour?Tone up means make up!A stared broach added to a bag to give it a new look.Thats redecoration and I call it fashion.A tone up fashion
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