Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Arabic term or phrase:
توقيف الموظف
English translation:
employee's suspension
Added to glossary by
Oct 3, 2007 12:36
17 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Arabic term
استيداع الموظف
Arabic to English
Human Resources
عملية توقيف الموظف عن العمل لفترة من الزمن
Proposed translations
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Oct 17, 2007 07:46: AhmedAMS Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 min
employee's suspension
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Maryse Trevithick
46 mins
Thank you.
agree |
Abdelhak Bouthir
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree |
2 hrs
Thank you.
neutral |
: Meaning of Suspension: Suspension is a common practice in the workplace for being in violation of company policy
2 hrs
agree |
Noha Kamal, PhD.
8 hrs
Thank you.
agree |
Sajjad Hamadani
: Accusation was the word that came to my mind but I agree with Ahmed
15 hrs
Thank you.
agree |
Alexander Yeltsov
: or temporary dismissal
2 days 28 mins
Thank you.
agree |
Mohsin Alabdali
2 days 18 hrs
Thank you.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
58 mins
(transfer to) provisional retirement ///(putting on) half pa
this is the official term used in such case.
or: through the imposition of provisional retirement without express justification
Note added at 59 mins (2007-10-03 13:35:57 GMT)
(putting on) half pay
or: through the imposition of provisional retirement without express justification
Note added at 59 mins (2007-10-03 13:35:57 GMT)
(putting on) half pay
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: To brother profi-assem: the link provided comes up with something in Japanese. I followed your instrustion and read that report, but it is about "Political Appointments", it is nothing to do with the question.
21 mins
copy my response and paste it on google to see the resaults. thanks
agree |
Sayed Fathy
3162 days
43 mins
layoff / employee layoff
just use "layoff" will do, as it means automatically the one who is laid off is the employee.
also it is ok to use "employee layoff"
the following link will give you more details about "layoff"
Note added at 52 mins (2007-10-03 13:29:11 GMT)
initially, I think of " redundancy", but it means that the employee is laid off permanently from work( dismissed), while "layoff" has two posibilities:layoff is either temporary or permanent .
if it is temporary, then the employee has a chance to go back for work when the employer need them.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:38:21 GMT)
A suspension is an action which places an employee for disciplinary reasons in a temporary status without duties and pay.
the difference between " suspension of employees" and " employee layoff" is:
"suspension of employees" : the employee is suspended from work because the employee did something wrong breaking the rules at work.
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:46:37 GMT)
the difference to " half pay"
"half pay": Reduced wage for someone who is not working full time. The employee is still required to work part time.
or in some countries, the laidoff employee might receive a certain amount of money during the period of layoff, however it is rarely the case.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:52:33 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them for work temporarily or permanently.
missing a key word, it should be:
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does NOT need them for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:53:25 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them( him/her) for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:53:57 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does NOT need him for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-03 15:03:17 GMT)
RE: employee suspension
هذا هو حرمان الموظف من راتبه لمدة معينة بسسب أنه خرق النظام
Re: استيداع
مع أن في القاموس معناه
(transfer to) provisional retirement;
(putting on) half pay
و لكن هذان المعنيان ليسا صحيحين اذا راجعنا تينك العبارتين الاجليزية معناهما في النصوص الإجليزية
الرجاء مراجعة اشتراكي في أعلاه لتفاصيل
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-03 15:18:41 GMT)
Related links
for "layoff"
for "Redundancy"
also it is ok to use "employee layoff"
the following link will give you more details about "layoff"
Note added at 52 mins (2007-10-03 13:29:11 GMT)
initially, I think of " redundancy", but it means that the employee is laid off permanently from work( dismissed), while "layoff" has two posibilities:layoff is either temporary or permanent .
if it is temporary, then the employee has a chance to go back for work when the employer need them.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:38:21 GMT)
A suspension is an action which places an employee for disciplinary reasons in a temporary status without duties and pay.
the difference between " suspension of employees" and " employee layoff" is:
"suspension of employees" : the employee is suspended from work because the employee did something wrong breaking the rules at work.
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:46:37 GMT)
the difference to " half pay"
"half pay": Reduced wage for someone who is not working full time. The employee is still required to work part time.
or in some countries, the laidoff employee might receive a certain amount of money during the period of layoff, however it is rarely the case.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:52:33 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them for work temporarily or permanently.
missing a key word, it should be:
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does NOT need them for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:53:25 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does need them( him/her) for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 13:53:57 GMT)
"layoff": the employee doesn't do anything wrong, but the employer does NOT need him for work temporarily or permanently.
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-03 15:03:17 GMT)
RE: employee suspension
هذا هو حرمان الموظف من راتبه لمدة معينة بسسب أنه خرق النظام
Re: استيداع
مع أن في القاموس معناه
(transfer to) provisional retirement;
(putting on) half pay
و لكن هذان المعنيان ليسا صحيحين اذا راجعنا تينك العبارتين الاجليزية معناهما في النصوص الإجليزية
الرجاء مراجعة اشتراكي في أعلاه لتفاصيل
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-03 15:18:41 GMT)
Related links
for "layoff"
for "Redundancy"
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: Using the area of (Notes to/from asker) by the answerers to highlight their answers is against the site rules.
5 hrs
sorry about this,I am new here and I did not realize this previously. Thanks for letting me know, I will observe this in the future.
7 hrs
unpaid leave
Usually it is granted to the employee upon his request therefore it is not a suspension.
2 days 2 hrs
temporary suspension
زملائي الأعزاء
عملية إحالة موظف الحكومة خصوصا أو الهيئات المهمة لللإستيداع نوعان
1- إحالة لللإستيداع لفترة محددة لإستيفاء إجرءات محددة مثل تحقيق أو خلافه وتكون في حكم ( وقف عن العمل)
2- إحالة نهائية للإستيداع أي إخراجه في معاش مبكر لخرقه نظم الدولة والقانون أو الإخلال الجسيم لواجباته وخاصة أذا كان موظف ذو مكانة مرموقة
شكر وبناء عليه تكون الإجابة الأولي للأخ أحمد أماس في هذ الحالة هي الأكثر صحة