Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

reminder list

Added to glossary by Suzanne Blangsted (X)
Jul 21, 2004 18:42
20 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
For at ovenstående kan komme til at fungere optimalt, er det meget vigtigt at alle omkostningsfakturaer indsendes løbende. Det er ligeledes vigtigt at der løbende undskrives og godkendes omkostningsfaktuaer fra rykkerlisten.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 reminder list
4 +1 dunning list
4 black list

Discussion Jul 21, 2004:
Can it not be... accounts payable/creditors ledger?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

reminder list

This list has the name of those who needs to be reminder about whatever it is they need to be reminded of - maybe payment before the list is sent for collection.
Peer comment(s):

agree ojinaga
7 hrs
thank you
agree Christina Kjaergaard : I would also use reminder list
8 hrs
thank you
neutral Yngve Roennike : that's usually a list reminding you of what to do, a to-do list. List of delinquent payers is what is meant, IMO. A reminder list to send out reminders seems like reaching a bit.
15 hrs
yes, and this one is a reminder list to contact these delinquent people and "rykke" for payment
agree Roald Toskedal : Maybe 'Payment Reminder List'?
2 days 12 hrs
Jeg takker
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tack!"
35 mins

black list

Semi-guess - this was not confirmed in a dictionary, but this is what I understand it to be.
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

dunning list

A suggestion - based on
dunning letter = rykkerskrivelse
dunning charge = rykkergebyr
(L&H Business Fag Ordbog)
Peer comment(s):

agree Anna Haxen : "Dunning list" kan også findes på Google.
1 day 12 hrs
neutral Yngve Roennike : Not a very common term
1 day 22 hrs
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