Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

may end up in the end up in food

Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Jul 16, 2004 16:30
20 yrs ago
English term

may end up in the end up in food

English to Chinese Tech/Engineering Food & Drink
It is related to the food safety document and I'm little confused how to translated it properly:
Jewellery and perfume Could harbour bacteria & may end up in the end up in food.
Many thanks in advance!

Discussion Jul 17, 2004:
jyuan_us Jul 16, 2004:
This is rao kou ling de xie fa.
jyuan_us Jul 16, 2004:
"up in"= into
jyuan_us Jul 16, 2004:
in the end= at last, eventually
Ozethai Jul 16, 2004:
Ӣ��Ӧ����may end up in food Ҳ�͹��˰գ������м��� may end up up ��double infinitive�� �� may end in the up ��split infinitive) �� may end up + in the end ��may end up �����Ѿ����˾�ͷ���ѳɷ����𣿣�

Proposed translations

11 mins


Jewellery and perfume could harbour bacteria & may end up in the end up in food.

You can readjust the Chinese sentence. It is just a suggestion.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
25 mins
agree jyuan_us : 哈 , 绕 口 令。 把 掉入 改 为 混 入多 好 。
3 hrs
neutral chica nueva : (I'm sure it is a word processing error...) '掉到' 不配合 '香水'?
5 hrs
Thanks, Lesley. I'll have a closer look of the text once again.
agree Xiaoping Fu : 我也认为是剪贴重复所至。
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
5 hrs

may end up in the food

Definitely looks like a word processing error to me.

end up = to finish in a particular place or way 以...结束;以...告终 eg He ended up in a cell for the night.他结果要在小牢房里过了一晚. We ended up taking the train.我们结果赶上了火车.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
1 hr
agree Xiaoping Fu
3 hrs
agree Ozethai : Thank you both!
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs
English term (edited): may end up in food


Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
1 hr
Something went wrong...
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