Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cured ham

German translation:

gepökelter Schinken

Added to glossary by babbelbekkie
Oct 29, 2004 14:52
20 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

cured ham

English to German Other Food & Drink
My boyfriend wants "cured ham" for the Christmas dinner, and since neither of us feel up to attempting to cure one ourselves, we want to try and find a "pre-cured" one to buy or else a butcher that will cure it for us. The problem is that I have no idea what to ask for in the German butchery... Thanks in advance for your help! (Any suggestions on where to find one would also be appreciated) :-)


Edith Kelly Oct 29, 2004:
Maybe you are thinking of Katenschinken? Oct 29, 2004:
But wouldn't Räucherschinken/Backrauchschinken etc. be smoked ham? As far as I can gather from my friend's explanations, it isn't smoked, just "cured" with salt and spices and some other mysterious-sounding ingredients... Oct 29, 2004:
Sorry, got the language pair wrong... It should be English-German.

Proposed translations

7 mins



Note added at 16 mins (2004-10-29 15:08:50 GMT)

or maybe: gepökelter Schinken
or: geräucherter und gepökelter Schinken
Peer comment(s):

neutral Klaus Herrmann : Räucherschinken ist roher Schinken, oder? Cured ham ist aber mehr wie gekochter Schinken, sofern mein Gedächtnis einigermaßen richtig ist.//Gute Idee, gepökelt kommt eher hin
3 mins
dann vielleicht: gepökelter Schinken
agree Anne Spitzmueller : gepökelter Schinken, siehe undökeln
1322 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "It is not Räucherschinken, cause it should not be smoked, I know Kasseler and it definately isn't that, and as far as I can figure out it is not Serrano either, so I think "gepökelter Schinken" from Norbert's note is probably closest or at least safest :-) Thanks for the KdW-Tip, Hermann, I am in Berlin, will go check there... Thanks a million everyone!"
8 mins

geräucherter Schinken/Räucherschinken

... German. geräucherter Schinken. (various references). Greek. ... Swedish. rökt skinka (cured ham, ham), humbug (bubble, humbug, humbuggery, phoney, sham). ... definition/english/ga/gammon.html
Peer comment(s):

neutral Klaus Herrmann : Räucherschinken ist roher Schinken, oder? Cured ham ist aber mehr wie gekochter Schinken, sofern mein Gedächtnis einigermaßen richtig ist.//Dann sind wir uns über cured ham einig, aber ich wurde unter (deutschem) Räucherschinken rohen Schinken verstehen.
1 min
Nein, Klaus, es handelt sich um gekochten Räucherschinken, also erst wird der Schinken als gekochter angeboten und dann cured, also geräuchert, und das ist kein roher Schnken (und dass, obwohl ich selbst keinen Schinken esse). ADD: Ich aber nicht.
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8 mins


... is as close as you'll get in Germany (according to my taste buds).

Note added at 16 mins (2004-10-29 15:08:41 GMT)

This is what I had in mind:

Note added at 35 mins (2004-10-29 15:27:58 GMT)

This is what Räucherschinken looks like IMHO. Not the same as cured ham:
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16 mins


then just ask the butcher for the raw ingrediends for Weihnachtsschinken (Christmas ham) - you can then cure it the way you like in the oven.

Note added at 33 mins (2004-10-29 15:26:19 GMT)

Your recipe suggests you have to get \"rohen Schinken\" (raw ham) and boil it first, afterwards you put it in the oven with all the ingredients - salt and spices. At least that’s how I do this type of dish here in the UK.

It is cured in your oven - not off the shelf.

Note added at 40 mins (2004-10-29 15:32:55 GMT)

Not sure whether Marks & Spencer still operates in Germany - they would sell this. If you are in Berlin you can check out the KDW - Kaufhaus des Westens - there you get everything.
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46 mins


German roasted ham

This succulent German ham available in Waitrose is made to an old Bavarian family recipe. The cured fresh pork is steamed to ensure moist, even cooking, then roasted and sliced to give a ham with a mid-brown colour and a firm, meaty bite.
Uses: German roasted ham is perfect for making tasty sandwiches as the large slices of ham cover sliced bread well. For added flavour spread the bread with garlic and herb soft cheese in place of butter.
To store: Keep in the fridge and consume by the use by date. Once opened eat within 2 days. - Schinkenbraten mit Ahorn-Glasur - [ Translate this page ]
... Schinkenbraten mit Ahorn-Glasur. Rezepte der Welt start. Zutaten Etwa 2 kg gekochter Hinterschinken Öl 4-6 EL Ahornsirup 3 EL Weinbrand ...,1872,2034706,00.html -

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42 mins

Kasseler Schinken

Um eine weitere Variante ins Spiel zu bringen.

Habe folgende Erklärung gefunden, die mir sehr nach Kasseler riecht:

What is the Curing Process?
Curing is the addition of salt, sugar, sodium nitrates (or saltpeter), nitrites and sometimes phosphates and assorbates to meat for preservation, color development and flavor enhancement.

Nitrates and nitrites contribute to the characteristic cured flavor and reddish-pink color of cured meat. They also prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum, a food poisoning microorganism that can occur in foods that require heat processing.

Note added at 2 hrs 28 mins (2004-10-29 17:21:08 GMT)

Lässt sich hier: auf hesssische Art ganz traditionell und ohne Schillern verspeisen (persönlich getestet).
Peer comment(s):

agree verbis
56 mins
agree Giselle Chaumien : Ja, genau... mit dem ganzen Chemiekram... das ist gepökelter Schinken, der manchmal etwas wie ein Regenbogen schillert (wie Benzin in einer Pfütze)... Pouah!
1 hr
sieht zwar so aus ...
agree Asaphina : ... Benzin in einer Pfütze .... da schüttelts mich bei dem Gedanken ... :-)
1 hr
... schmeckt aber nicht so
neutral Renate FitzRoy : Kassler ist zwar Pökelfleisch, aber gewöhnlich Rippchen und kein Schinken.
1 hr
Hallo Renate, Kasseler gibt es als Rippchen, als Schinken oder auch als Rollbraten.
neutral Edith Kelly : Kasseler ist aber nicht cured, sondern nur boiled. Habe noch nie cured Kasseler gesehen, insbesondere, da es Rippchen sind.
2 hrs
Hallo Edith, geräuchertes Kasseler gibt es schon (bei google sind jede Menge Rezepte zu finden).
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7 hrs

Serrano Schinken / Parma Schinken

These two imported types of "cured ham" are what you are looking for. You can ask your German butcher and he will for sure have them. "Serrano" is from Spain and "Parma" from Italy. Both are very good and really "cured" and not "smoked". Hope this was helpful.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Norbert Hermann : that's not the same type of ham the asker wants to know - cured ham is more like Jamon York
7 hrs
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