Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

advanced manual arts

German translation:

Werken und Handarbeiten für Fortgeschrittene

Added to glossary by Katrin Suchan
Jun 3, 2002 09:30
22 yrs ago
English term

*advanced manual arts*

English to German Other certificate
There is no context. The term is a subject listed in an Australian Senior Secondary School Certificate.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

Handarbeiten und Werken für Fortgeschrittene

The site quoted below lists more than 60 techniques under the heading Manual Arts, incl. wood working, metal art, leather craft .... (Werken)
but also knitting, crocheting, sewing .... (Handarbeiten).

In my verrry old school certificates Handarbeiten und Werken is shown as one subject although there were separate classes.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke auch an alle anderen."
22 mins

Werken/Werkunterricht fuer Fortgeschrittene

This is a guess.
Peer comment(s):

agree nettranslatorde
2 mins
neutral Uschi (Ursula) Walke : I think it includes Handarbeiten as well.
3 hrs
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