Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
teacher discourse
Italian translation:
abilità di dialogo/espressiva dell'insegnante
Added to glossary by
Giuseppe Bellone
Sep 10, 2011 09:22
13 yrs ago
English term
teacher discourse
English to Italian
Education / Pedagogy
Corsi di formazione per insegnanti d'inglese
Ho un dubbio su "teacher discourse", come lo rendereste?
Corso per il conseguimento del TESOL certificate.
Program Overview
Module A: Methodology for Teaching Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation (using songs and other material), Linguistics, Pedagogical Theory, Material Analysis and Development, and Classroom Management
Module B: Methodology for Teaching Grammar, Reading and Writing, Second Language Acquisition, Feedback and Error Correction, Intercultural Awareness, and Professional Conduct
Module C: Methodology for teaching Vocabulary and Integrated Skills, Lesson Planning, Curriculum Development, Testing, Evaluation and Assessment, and **Teacher Discourse**
Corso per il conseguimento del TESOL certificate.
Program Overview
Module A: Methodology for Teaching Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation (using songs and other material), Linguistics, Pedagogical Theory, Material Analysis and Development, and Classroom Management
Module B: Methodology for Teaching Grammar, Reading and Writing, Second Language Acquisition, Feedback and Error Correction, Intercultural Awareness, and Professional Conduct
Module C: Methodology for teaching Vocabulary and Integrated Skills, Lesson Planning, Curriculum Development, Testing, Evaluation and Assessment, and **Teacher Discourse**
Proposed translations
3 | abilità di dialogo/espressiva dell'insegnante |
Giuseppe Bellone
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3 +3 | modalità comunicative/interattive dell'insegnante |
Danila Moro
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4 +1 | strategia comunicativa dell'insegnante |
Stefania Bertonati
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Change log
Sep 12, 2011 15:43: Giuseppe Bellone Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
13 mins
abilità di dialogo/espressiva dell'insegnante
Aggiungo questo, ma anche quello che dice Danila credo vada bene. :)
Note added at 2 giorni6 ore (2011-09-12 15:41:49 GMT) Post-grading
Buon lavoro. Ciao. :))
Note added at 2 giorni6 ore (2011-09-12 15:41:49 GMT) Post-grading
Buon lavoro. Ciao. :))
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "ho preferito questa. Grazie a tutti."
16 mins
strategia comunicativa dell'insegnante
non so se "strategia" sia il termine esatto, ma se lanci una ricerca in google in siti di glottodidattica lo trovi
5 mins
modalità comunicative/interattive dell'insegnante
penso si riferisca a questo.
Note added at 20 min (2011-09-10 09:43:26 GMT)
anche "stile comunicativo"
This article aims at investigating EFL teacher discourse while presenting reading skill. Moreover, the relationship between teacher discourse and learners’ proficiency level as well as learners’ cognitive state were studied based on Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy. This paper sheds light on some important aspects of teacher-student interactions in reading comprehension skill. Thirty two EFL classes were observed and the way teachers interacted with learners while presenting reading activities was analyzed and teachers’ voices were audio-recorded. This research was conducted on three phases; (1) pre-reading; (2) during-reading; and (3) after-reading. Using Bloom’s taxonomy, the researchers found that most teachers use action verbs which are related to concrete end of the taxonomy regardless of the learners’ level of proficiency and their cognitive state. The findings of this study made it clear that a) there is little congruency between teachers’ discourse and learners’ proficiency level; b) teacher discourse is so limited and is incapable to target higher-level thinking processes which are placed in more abstract levels in Bloom’s taxonomy; and c) higher-level thinking processes are to a great degree dependent on learners’ language proficiency.
Note added at 20 min (2011-09-10 09:43:26 GMT)
anche "stile comunicativo"
This article aims at investigating EFL teacher discourse while presenting reading skill. Moreover, the relationship between teacher discourse and learners’ proficiency level as well as learners’ cognitive state were studied based on Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy. This paper sheds light on some important aspects of teacher-student interactions in reading comprehension skill. Thirty two EFL classes were observed and the way teachers interacted with learners while presenting reading activities was analyzed and teachers’ voices were audio-recorded. This research was conducted on three phases; (1) pre-reading; (2) during-reading; and (3) after-reading. Using Bloom’s taxonomy, the researchers found that most teachers use action verbs which are related to concrete end of the taxonomy regardless of the learners’ level of proficiency and their cognitive state. The findings of this study made it clear that a) there is little congruency between teachers’ discourse and learners’ proficiency level; b) teacher discourse is so limited and is incapable to target higher-level thinking processes which are placed in more abstract levels in Bloom’s taxonomy; and c) higher-level thinking processes are to a great degree dependent on learners’ language proficiency.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Vincenzo Manzo (X)
: stile mi piace di più
2 hrs
concordo, è più preciso :-)
agree |
: continua a mietere...:-))
4 hrs
bene! e 4 :-) grazieeeeee
agree |
enrico paoletti
1 day 10 hrs
grazie Enrico :-)
Detto ciò in ogni caso a me "abilità espressiva" (che ho scelto), non inteso come capacità retorica/parlantina ma più in quanto modo di parlare dell'insegnante, non è dispiaciuto. Però certamente potrei anche sbagliare, su questo non ci piove.
Ma il fatto di non aver scelto una tra le altre due risposte non significa che non ritenevo che fossero corrette, tant'è vero che ho sottolineato subito che mi soddisfacevano tutte e tre.
In tutta sincerità la tua mi sapeva troppo tecnica, non so, quel "modalità" mi suonava un po' troppo formale e tecnico, e per "stile" non ero sicuro dell'interpretazione. Visto il mio testo, cercavo qualcosa di più immediato, ma ripeto già l'altro ieri ho visto che erano tutte buone risposte. Ho solo scelto quella che istintivamente ho visto come più idonea e che mi suonava meglio lì. Magari a torto.
(ma ora toglieranno queste discussioni che nulla hanno a vedere con la richiesta) :)
ps. ah, per la cronaca ho già consegnato, poi domani o nei prox giorni chiuderò con calma.