Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Italian translation:

pressione alta/pressione bassa

Mar 3, 2005 16:11
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to Italian Science Medical (general)
1.Have you ever been, or are you presently suffering from problems with any of the following?
Diabetes „Ã Epilepsy „Ã Asthma „Ã Fainting „Ã HBP„Ã LBP „Ã Skin diseases „Ã Others „Ã
Digestion „Ã Kidneys „Ã Liver „Ã Heart „Ã Lungs „Ã Insomnia „Ã Muscles aches „Ã (please specify)

Sono malattie simili? Non le trovo...

Proposed translations

7 mins

pressione alta/pressione bassa

High blood pressure/low blood pressure
Peer comment(s):

agree Antonio d'Ambrosio : nel contesto, credo si tratti di questo :-)
6 mins
agree Elena Sgarbo (X) : Ciao Marina :-)
20 mins
Ciao Elena!
agree Filippa Addis : Si, dal contesto sembra così
21 mins
agree kia26
4 hrs
1 day 10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins

cervicalgia e lombalgia

high back pain e low back pain

rachide cervicale e lombare rispettivamente

Note added at 2005-03-03 16:24:40 (GMT)

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