May 11, 2002 22:29
22 yrs ago
English term

This auction is already sold to other buyer.

Non-PRO English to Japanese Other easy
This auction is already sold to other buyer long ago. "Thank you for translating into Japanese letters"

Proposed translations

5 mins


Peer comment(s):

agree Ad Timmering (X)
0 min
agree Akiyoshi (X) : 今の言葉なら、「買い手」を「バイヤー」にした方がいいかも
8 mins
actually, I've never done this "net-auction" gig. I haven't got a clue. :>
agree Naomi Ota : You can just simply say このオークションは既に落札されました。 as well.
1 hr
agree Sheena Daswani : Agree with all; Otan's translation sounds best
2 hrs
agree N_Hi (X) : このオークションは既に落札されました。is better,I think.
2 hrs
agree Kaori Myatt : Mike's translation is pretty good.
5 hrs
agree kokuritsu : C'est bien! R-R can also say 「このオークション物件は」or 「このオークション商品は」in the strict sense of the word.
5 hrs
agree kotobuki
17 hrs
agree napiko
1 day 19 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for such a lot of kindness."
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