Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

was such an officer as he represented to be

Polish translation:

był urzędnikiem, za jakiego się podawał

Added to glossary by Darius Saczuk
Nov 25, 2009 16:50
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

was such an officer as he represented to be

English to Polish Law/Patents Law (general)
Certificate Authenticating Out Of State Affidavit

I certify that XX, a notary public in Brooklyn, by and before whom the annexed Affidavit of ZZ was taken, at the time of the original Affidavit purports to have been made, which is May 2, 2009, and whose name is subscribed thereto, was such an officer as he represented to be.

Dziękuję z góry za wszelkie sugestie.


geopiet Nov 26, 2009:
może się przyda ..... potwierdzenie autentyczności podpisu notariusza i faktu posiadania przez niego uprawnień notarialnych w dacie sporządzania aktu notarialnego.

Proposed translations

7 mins

był urzędnikiem, za jakiego się podawał

w tym kierunku
Note from asker:
Dzięki :)
Peer comment(s):

agree akkek
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agree skisteeps
43 mins
agree Monika Darron
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dzięki, Adam :-)"
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