Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

scrap metal, rebar..

Portuguese translation:

sucata de metal, vergalhões (ou barras de reforço)

Added to glossary by Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Apr 5, 2011 15:02
13 yrs ago
11 viewers *
English term

scrap metal, rebar..

English to Portuguese Other Other referring to work area cleaning
do not allow material such scrap metal, rebar, etc on the floor..
Change log

Apr 5, 2011 17:37: T o b i a s changed "Language pair" from "Portuguese to English" to "English to Portuguese"

Apr 10, 2011 13:09: Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun Created KOG entry


Nick Taylor Apr 5, 2011:
Nice picture of rebar scrap
Marlene Curtis Apr 5, 2011:
I know the meaning of "rebar" There is no need to copy and paste the definition. I just wondered if it could be a typo (rebarb instead of rebar).
airmailrpl Apr 5, 2011:
rebar A rebar, or reinforcing bar, is a common steel bar, and is commonly used in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures. ...
Marlene Curtis Apr 5, 2011:
rebar vs rebarbs Pergunto-me se a palavra correta no caso não seria "rebarbs" (rebarbas de metal) ao invés de "rebar"(no singular???), pois o contexto parece se referir a restos de metal no cháo.
Carlos Quandt Apr 5, 2011:
sucatas de metal, vergalhõesão

Proposed translations

47 mins

sucata de metal, vergalhões (ou barras de reforço)

reinforcing bar
(=rebar, reinforcing rod) barra de reforço (vergalhão)
Peer comment(s):

agree Leonor Machado
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
6 mins

sucata (metálica), armação de ferro em betão/varão para betão (armado)

sucata (metálica), armação de ferro em betão/varão para betão (armado), que é uma formação normalmente em aço.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nick Taylor
1 hr
agree Douglas Bissell
3 hrs
agree connie leite
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins

pedaços de sucata, rebarbas

Translation velho | Portuguese-English Dictionary | Reverso
meu velho! col old chap. ferro-velho (ferros-velhos pl ) m (pessoa) scrap metal dealer , (lugar) scrap metal yard, (sucata) scrap metal. Collins. velho ...

Pilha gigante de sucata - Detalhes da Missão | 4Story - [ Translate this page ]
Pilha gigante de sucata - Recolhe 10 pedaços de sucata de metal na plantação abandonada e leva-as até ao superintendente do porto, Jadan, ... › Início › Missões › Iberia › Dragonrod -
Peer comment(s):

disagree Douglas Bissell : rebarbas are "shavings", rebars, on the other hand are long metal bars or rods used to reinforce concrete
4 mins
I know the meaning of "rebar"14:45 There is no need to copy and paste the definition. I just wondered if it could be a typo (rebarb instead of rebar)
disagree airmailrpl : A rebar, or reinforcing bar, is a common steel bar, and is commonly used in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures. ...
3 hrs
I know the meaning of "rebar"14:45 There is no need to copy and paste the definition. I just wondered if it could be a typo (rebarb instead of rebar)
Something went wrong...
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