Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
scrap metal, rebar..
Portuguese translation:
sucata de metal, vergalhões (ou barras de reforço)
English term
scrap metal, rebar..
Apr 5, 2011 17:37: T o b i a s changed "Language pair" from "Portuguese to English" to "English to Portuguese"
Apr 10, 2011 13:09: Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
sucata de metal, vergalhões (ou barras de reforço)
(=rebar, reinforcing rod) barra de reforço (vergalhão)
sucata (metálica), armação de ferro em betão/varão para betão (armado)
pedaços de sucata, rebarbas
meu velho! col old chap. ferro-velho (ferros-velhos pl ) m (pessoa) scrap metal dealer , (lugar) scrap metal yard, (sucata) scrap metal. Collins. velho ...
Pilha gigante de sucata - Detalhes da Missão | 4Story - [ Translate this page ]
Pilha gigante de sucata - Recolhe 10 pedaços de sucata de metal na plantação abandonada e leva-as até ao superintendente do porto, Jadan, ... › Início › Missões › Iberia › Dragonrod -
disagree |
Douglas Bissell
: rebarbas are "shavings", rebars, on the other hand are long metal bars or rods used to reinforce concrete
4 mins
I know the meaning of "rebar"14:45 There is no need to copy and paste the definition. I just wondered if it could be a typo (rebarb instead of rebar)
disagree |
: A rebar, or reinforcing bar, is a common steel bar, and is commonly used in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures. ...
3 hrs
I know the meaning of "rebar"14:45 There is no need to copy and paste the definition. I just wondered if it could be a typo (rebarb instead of rebar)