May 4, 2008 12:18
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

checks and balances

English to Russian Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) соблюдение компаниями требований нормативно-правовых документов
Complying with one standard usually implies best practices for complying with others. "Not a day goes by that someone isn't asking for something," says Bernie Donnelly, VP of quality assurance at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. From the Securities And Exchange Commission to his own internal audit team, Donnelly lives and breathes compliance.
To that end, Donnelly has learned to think strategically instead of tactically. When auditors requested additional ***checks and balances*** to the stock exchange's back-end batch-processing systems, Donnelly figured auditors would eventually make the same requests for its check ledgers.

Proposed translations

9 mins

введение дополнительных мер контроля

здесь смысл такой - аудиторы потребовали введения дополнительных мер контроля
Peer comment(s):

agree Marina Dolinsky (X)
1 hr
agree SirReaL
2 hrs
agree Irina Romanova-Wasike
1 day 22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Большое спасибо!"
4 mins

система сдержек и противовесов

Peer comment(s):

agree Alexander Kondorsky : это классика!
17 hrs
agree Sergey Gorelik
17 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 mins


system of checks and balances - система сдержек и противовесов

Note added at 5 mins (2008-05-04 12:23:55 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- and balances&��...
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5 mins

сдерживающие и уравновешивающие силы

"сдерживающие и уравновешивающие силы" is the variant of translation of the term - checks and balances.

Kind regards,
Tanya Shekhovtsova

Note added at 7 mins (2008-05-04 12:25:42 GMT)

сдерживающие и уравновешивающие силы в рамках системы подготовки финансовой отчетности

Note added at 7 mins (2008-05-04 12:26:20 GMT)

системa «сдерживающих и уравновешивающих сил».

Kind regards,
Tanya Shekhovtsova
Something went wrong...
8 mins

системa «сдерживающих и уравновешивающих сил»

The probable variant of translation of the required term.

Kind regards,
Tanya Shekhovtsova.
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