Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Waste not, want not

Spanish translation:

Quien no malgasta, no pasa necesidades

Added to glossary by xima
Feb 21, 2003 09:19
21 yrs ago
13 viewers *
English term

Waste not, want not

Non-PRO English to Spanish Art/Literary
I know the meaning is "if you never waste anything, you're not likely to lack what you need"
BUT I can't think of a parallel saying in Spanish. Any ideas, please?
Thanks much in advance!!

Proposed translations

16 mins

quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades

translation from Collins
Peer comment(s):

agree Paul Roige (X) : Mr Collins tells me the same thing :-)
1 hr
Mr Collins is a great fella!
agree Sebastian Lopez
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "¡Muchas gracias! Es la más próxima al contexto que me ocupa. Cheers! Xima"
6 mins

"el que no arriesga no gana"

this is an expression commonly used for saying more or less what you wrote but depends on the context of the text
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrea Torre
0 min
agree Egmont
7 mins
Something went wrong...
6 mins

No valoramos lo que tenemos hasta que lo perdemos

It's not exactly a saying, but it is frequently heard and I think it expresses your meaning.

Good luck
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10 mins

Mas vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando

Yet another option:}

Note added at 2003-02-21 09:34:16 (GMT)

Nunca sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo ves perdido

Just one more:}
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1 hr

cada día un grano pon, y haras un montón

refran español que anima a ahorrar. no tires nada. guardalo y al final tendras mucho
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2 hrs

no perderas lo que no deseas

al no esperar/desear algo no te daras cuenta si lo pierdes cuando lo tienes
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