Nov 15, 2006 12:47
18 yrs ago
English term

pie cart

English to Spanish Art/Literary Cooking / Culinary australian gastronomy
This is from a touristic guide of Sydney. I assume it refers to Harry’s Cafe de Wheels, but I can't come up with a suitable translation.

Here you have the context: "Along the way, drop by a posh mansion, a groovy ’70s artists’ collective, Russell Crowe’s humble home, and the world’s most famous pie cart."


Proposed translations

41 mins

Carro/Puesto de Comida Rápida


"Pie cart" se refiere, con casi total seguridad, a los puesto que venden comida caliente. Empanadas de carne (meat pies), hot dogs, patatas fritas y hasta chile con carne, curries, etc... normalmente para llevar o comer en la calle.

No se refiere al carrito de postres que tienen en ciertos restaurantes.

Algunos ejemplos:

Cart pea soup » ABC North and West SA » Recipes- [ Traduzca esta página ]Pie Cart pea soup. Chef: Helen Clark, Port Pirie. ... a large slice of bread and butter, or place a hot meat pie on a plate and pour the soup over the top. ... - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares

Meat pie appreciation || [ Traduzca esta página ]My personal opinion is that hot bread shop potato top pies are the only potato ... I was fortunate to try one at the last remaining Pie Cart in Adelaide, ... - 133k - En caché - Páginas similares

Harry's Cafe de [email protected]- [ Traduzca esta página ]During the 1970's Harry's introduced hot dogs, mostly to appease the American sailors who had sought out the same pie cart as their fathers and uncles had ... - 24k - En caché - Páginas similares
Peer comment(s):

agree Irina Dicovsky - MD (X) : Es solo hacer una búsqueda "Harry's Café De Wheels" .
14 mins
Tienes razón. Echo en falta los "meat pies"......
agree Miriam Garcia
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
25 mins

carro de postres

Si habla de un café, es probable que se refiera a ese carrito donde ubican los postres, tartas, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Luis M. Cuerdo Galarraga : precisamente por eso igual sea mejor "carrito de postres" ;-)
1 min
Gracias. Sí, creo que se usan los dos.
agree Carmen Hernaiz
1 min
disagree Irina Dicovsky - MD (X) : Lamento discordar, pero este no es el caso.
58 mins
agree Silvia Brandon-Pérez
2 hrs
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1 hr

carro de pasteles

Es una referencia al Harbourside pie cart, pero no son pasteles de postre, sino que son pasteles de carne como se ve en esta descripción.

Made from natural ingredients and baked daily, Harbourside Pie Cart offers a variety of tasty combinations from traditional meat pies to gourmet recipes such as Thai curry and chicken.
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