International Translation Day 2024

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Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

conservation moratorium

Spanish translation:

moratoria a la explotación (de los recursos ....)

Added to glossary by Cándida Artime Peñeñori
Feb 10, 2013 14:31
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

conservation moratorium

English to Spanish Science Environment & Ecology
Gracias de antemano por su ayuda.

The forest sector is particularly vulnerable to corruption. Global Witness and its Liberian partners recently documented how in Liberia 40 per cent of the country’s forests were quietly handed out as private logging permits in
just two years. Evidence of forgery, violations of legal statutes and neglect of due process abounds. Similarly in Democratic Republic of Congo, permits meant for small-scale local logging have been given away to international logging companies eager to bypass more strenuous regulation under other types of licenses and a moratorium on new industrial logging concessions. These developments in Liberia and DRC, both members of major multi-lateral REDD+ programmes, illustrate the risks posed by weak governance.

The former governor had reportedly ignored calls from the public, including TI Indonesia, to cancel the permit. This sparked international outcry because the concession – which applied to 1,600 hectares of land – included areas that should be protected by a ***conservation moratorium***, and are home to the world’s densest population of orangutans.
Change log

Feb 25, 2013 00:10: Cándida Artime Peñeñori Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

7 hrs

moratoria a la explotación (de los recursos forestales)

... dependencia económica. Pedimos apoyo para exigir una moratoria a la explotación
de nuevos pozos petroleros y reclamar la búsqueda de alternativas con nuevas
industrias” (2003, Documento inédito). Podemos apreciar ...
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Note added at 13 days (2013-02-24 13:59:52 GMT) Post-grading

Qué penoso que nuevamente se concedan los puntos por peer agreement pues supongo que la persona que hace la pregunta está capacitada para hacerlo.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrés Martínez
17 hrs
Muchas gracias, Andrés.
agree Patricia Honrubia : Me gusta tu opción Cándida. Saludos.
1 day 17 hrs
Muchas gracias, Patricia. Tú formulaste la misma idea de otra forma.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
2 hrs

prórroga de zona ecológica protegidan

o moratoria de zona protegida
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12 mins

Moratoria para la conservación

Moratorium, en español "moratoria":

a suspension of activity: a moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons.
a legally authorized period to delay payment of money due or the performance of some other legal obligation, as in an emergency.
an authorized period of delay or waiting.

Referencias y ejemplos:

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-02-10 17:47:53 GMT)

Según el texto que aporta Toni, se referiría a la conservación de los bosques en las zonas de explotación minera.

Note added at 6 hrs (2013-02-10 21:18:09 GMT)

Es decir, el fin u objetivo de esa moratoria sería la conservación del entorno natural.
Peer comment(s):

agree Oliver Romero
7 hrs
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Reference comments

30 mins

El contexto concreto

El término de búsqueda parece tener una relación específica con el acuerdo alcanzado por el presidente indonesio y el gobierno noruego para introducir una moratoria en la concesión de licencias de explotación minera en terrenos de bosque virgen y turberas. El objetivo final es la reducción en la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero mediante la conservación de los bosques situados en zonas de potencial explotación minera.
New Indonesian Mining Regulations
There have been some significant recent regulatory developments relevant to the mining sector in Indonesia, which we briefly examine below
Forest moratorium
In May 2011 the Government through Presidential Instruction introduced a two-year moratorium on the grant of new licenses in peatland and primary natural forest. The forest conservation moratorium is one of several commitments made by the President in support of a bilateral agreement with Norway, under which Norway has pledged up to US$1bn for Indonesia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are exemptions under this Presidential Instruction, including for companies that have already received a forest use permit at the production stage or have successfully applied to extend an existing permit.
Critics claimed that the Presidential Instruction fell short of expectations, with the moratorium map attached to the Presidential Instruction, which sets out the affected areas, scheduled to be revised every six months. The most recent revised map was issued in November 2011.
For the mining industry, the moratorium is most likely to impact on concessions located within production forest areas. There is some concern that the moratorium may even be extended to areas not currently zoned as forest.

Note added at 5 hrs (2013-02-10 19:48:07 GMT)

Patricia, me pones en un aprieto con tu pregunta, ya que entiendo que la moratoria se refiere directamente a la concesión de licencias o permisos de explotación minera/industrial en zonas naturales protegidas (en Liberia, Congo, etc.) y, sinceramente, no creo que el término "moratoria", que sí es correcto, sea aplicable a la "conservación". El resultado de la moratoria, en eso sí coincido contigo, sería la protección del entorno natural.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Patricia Honrubia : No te preocupes, no te preguntaba. Sé que no puede ser moratoria de conservación ya que no tiene sentido, sino moratoria PARA la conservación, es decir, que esta sería el objetivo de la moratoria. Gracias por tu nota y saludos.
2 hrs
Hola Patricia, contesto en una nota adicional. Saludos.
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