Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

strikes a cord

Spanish translation:

me recuerda a

Added to glossary by Irene Vidal (X)
Nov 11, 2004 09:26
20 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

strikes a cord

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other Other
A few enlightened companies, particularly those that buy much of their goods from cross border locations, have teamed up with their banks to take this process further up the supply chain, creating greater value for them (the buyers) and for their sellers/suppliers. These companies are utilizing the banks to do two things that banks are extremely good at - document examination (which they have done for years when processing letter of credit transactions), and financing. Leveraging our comparative advantages is something that strikes a cord with my economics professor and, to my surprise, is one of those theories that is actually applicable in the real world.

Proposed translations

11 mins

me recuerda a

2. strike a chord - refer to or be relevant or familiar to
Peer comment(s):

agree Fuseila
41 mins
agree Aguado
1 hr
agree Xenia Wong
5 hrs
Gracias Xenia
agree Pablo Grosschmid
10 hrs
Gracias Pablo!
agree Sara Pacheco
16 hrs
Gracoas Sara!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "¡muchas gracias!"
5 hrs

me remite a

"me recuerda a" también es una buena solución
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5 hrs

"me trae resonancias de"

Esta opción mantiene la metáfora de "strikes a cord" y se usa en español
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