Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Spanish translation:
English term
La farse:
"has just been enhanced with the addition of more than 300 new subjects"
¡Es una tardu urgentísima, gracias por la ayuda!
4 | temas |
Michael Powers (PhD)
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4 +2 | materias, temas |
Сергей Лузан
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5 | Temas |
Andrea Torre
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Jan 26, 2008 02:30: Michael Powers (PhD) changed "Field" from "Other" to "Tech/Engineering" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Telecom(munications)"
Jan 26, 2008 02:30: Michael Powers (PhD) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/52429">Michael Powers (PhD)'s</a> old entry - "subjects"" to ""temas""
Jan 26, 2008 02:31: Michael Powers (PhD) changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"
Proposed translations
Note added at 2003-06-03 10:45:00 (GMT)
See what the Oxford Dictionary states:
subject1 / \"sVbdZIkt / n
1 (topic) tema m; to change the subject cambiar de tema; to drop the subject dejar el tema;
to get off the subject salirse* or desviarse* del tema, irse* por las ramas; to get back to
the subject volver* al tema; to keep off a subject evitar un tema; that’s a rather delicate
subject ese es un tema or asunto bastante delicado; on the subject of work hablando de
trabajo; while we’re on the subject, who …? a propósito del tema or ya que estamos
hablando de esto ¿quién …?; to be the subject of controversy/criticism ser* objeto de
polémica/críticas; I’d like to raise the subject of finance quisiera plantear el problema
de la financiación
2 (discipline) asignatura f, materia f (esp AmL), ramo m (Chi); specialist subject especialidad
3 (Pol) súbdito, -ta m, f; British subject súbdito británico
4 (Med, Psych) sujeto m; rats are often the subjects of scientific experiments con
frecuencia se utilizan ratas como sujetos de experimentos científicos
5 a (Ling, Phil) sujeto m
b (Mus) tema m
I hope this helps, Patricia!
Mike - :)
Note added at 1697 days (2008-01-26 02:29:09 GMT) Post-grading
No hay de qué
materias, temas
Note added at 2003-06-03 10:44:21 (GMT)
asuntos, cuestiones
¡Buena suerte, Patricia Posadas!
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Terry Burgess
: temas nuevas. Saludos Sergio:-)
10 mins
Gracias, Terry Burgess (ciudadano). Saludos afectuosas! :)
agree |
Silvina Dell'Isola Urdiales
1 hr
Gracias, Silvina Dell'Isola Urdiales!
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