Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by luskie
Jun 27, 2002 09:24
22 yrs ago
French term

non lavé/lavage

Non-PRO French to English Science Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) analyse sanguine
Si le sang a été prélevé sur anticoagulant, prélever et déposer, à côté de chaque réactif,
1 petite goutte (environ 35 µl) de culot globulaire non lavé.

other context:

Les anticorps monoclonaux anti-A et anti-B sont inhibés par les substances de groupes solubles, ce qui n'est pas le cas de l'anticorps A,B. Ainsi dans le cas d'un groupe A avec une concentration élevée de substances de groupe solubles dans le sérum (kyste ovarien par exemple), la réaction d'agglutination du sang total sera négative avec l'anti-A et positive avec l'anti-A,B. Cette difficulté peut être facilement levée par le lavage des hématies (épreuve en tube).
Change log

Jun 4, 2010 08:42: luskie changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)"

Proposed translations

15 mins

to wash

that's the verb here

Note added at 2002-06-27 09:42:12 (GMT)

and obiously unwashed

Publications -- Immunohematology - [ Traduci questa pagina ]
... The DiaMed system that uses unwashed RBCs overcomes this problem, but
cold washing the RBCs at 4°C must be used when preparing eluates. ... - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili
Peer comment(s):

agree Helen Genevier : yes, you wash red blood cells with saline solution in these procedures (I've done it:))
14 mins
and I've seen "you" doing it :)))
agree sduret
17 mins
agree Jean-Luc Dumont
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci beaucoup"
22 mins

lavage, non-lavaged

many hits on Google ... DNA was isolated from blood and bronchial lavage using the QIAamp 96 DNA Blood
and DNeasy 96 Tissue Kits, respectively. ... B: blood; BL: bronchial lavage
Peer comment(s):

disagree Helen Genevier : no, lavage is a medical procedure, irrigation
5 mins
agree sduret
10 mins
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

non-washed / washing (in vitro testing)

Red cells in additive solution, buffy coat removed (AS-BCR) were prepared from CPD whole blood (63 + 450 ±10 % ml) by a modified "Amsterdam technique", on the day of collection. RBC stored at + 4 ± 2°C for up to 10 days, were washed twice in isotonic saline solution(300-300±20 ml,+20°C). The diluted cells were then centrifuged in a Jouan 5,22 (France) centrifuge at 3500rpm, +20 °C. The supernatant was removed and washed RBCs were resuspended in additive solution. The per cent recovery of hemoglobin after washing was 88,3. The average prewash IgA was 35,2 mg/unit with the postwash average of 0.17 mg/unit. During the process an average 38,2 ml of AS-BCR was lost. After process natural antibodies were not detected by blood group serological methods. Our results have led to the conclusion that two sequantial washings seem to guarantee an IgA level of less than 0.2 mg/ unit and a total protein content of less than 0.5 g/unit to meet the recommendations of the Guide of Council of Europe
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